OOOOO so what did you miss out on?... let me fill you in =D
DAY 1 - 20th November 2009
we arrived at the airport an hour early only to find that our flight had been delayed for an hour due to the weather conditions [rainy and thunder but hot]... so we bummed around at the airport with nothing to do... i just walked up and down the shops area which barely had anything since it wasn't an international flight =(....
we ended up arriving at melbourne around 11.30pm and boy it was cold... we hired a rental car so we could get around =D
and one of our cousins were waiting to chaperone us to our accomodation... he also lent us a gps thank god... by the time we arrived it was already 12.30am... though the room was quite neat and clean... the place was right opposite a cemetary =.= i could see it the moment i looked outside the window... it's okay though... there were no paranormal activities =D
` sorry to daniel i did not manage to record any non existent paranormal activities LOL
the plus sides were;
` there was foxtel
` we never ran out of hot water for showering
` we got to waste as much aircon as we wanted
` the beds were quite comfy
the down sides were;
` i couldn't sleep because of the traffic
` it was dark and everyone else was sleeping so i was paranoid [i mean come on! CEMETARY]
DAY 2 - 21st November 2009
when we got up it was freezing and raining =.= i mean come onnnnnnn the previous few days it was apparently really hot so i only packed shorts, t-shirts and one 3 quarter jacket... so i had to deal with goosebumpy legs and arms... i guess i half felt the cold you are feeling jessica =D
anyway we had to get out by 10am because there is a daily clean at 10 in the morning... so we head off to the bday girl's [Robecca's] house and helped out ^-^... helped make spring rolls at their aunts house and my fingers ended up smelling like raw pork for a day even though i showered... their aunts dog had puppies which were just so adorable so we got to play with them too ^-^;
we then head back to our stay and showered and got ready for the party... and yes it was raining so i didn't bother doing my hair LOL.... the gps ended up bringing us to the wrong place...
"your destination is now on your right" i turned my head right and see grassland ROFLMAO =.=.... we ended up calling my cousin to get directions... and when we got there man was my cousin gorgeous that night ^-^... the function was so cool... there was even a banner with her picture and happy birthday to her on it... she looked like a model!!! =O... i guess thats how the melbourne people party =D and i'm glad she liked the present ^-^
i then helped set up the food... and when it was time to eat.....................
OMG IT WAS CRAZYYYYY... it was like a huge pack of.... something [i don't know what word to use thats not insulting but still describes it well so here is a picture];
anyway... at around 10... my cousin wanted the ball dance which consisted of 20 couples dancing in the shape of a circle with her dancing in the middle... yeah the moment which i was nervous most about because i didn't wanna stack it and stuff up her dance... luckily the partner she set me up with knew how to dance... though he comforted me with a "don't worry.. i don't know how to dance much either" which i later confirmed was not true... so yeah... it wasn't as hard as i thought... he lead and i just followed and i think i was too busy watching the pretty fireworks to notice if i was dancing retarded =.= i shall find out when she gets a copy of the recordings which my partner so kindly said he'd upload it on youtube to embarrass me... which i'm taking as a joke LOL [yes she had professional cameramen at the function]... =D at least i didn't stack it ^-^... i'm so proud of myself... aren't you? LOL
oh and did i mention i won a soccer game? =D
i shall upload pictures on facebook tomorow since i promised my cousin i would.
DAY 3 - 22nd November 2009
we woke up extra early to pack up and check out on time... we then head off to Robecca's house and ate some cake that was left over from the party...
then head off to my other cousin's [Kathleen] house in which her mum prepared more food for us... also ended up watching the beginning of paranormal activities but had to go to another one of my aunts house so didn't manage to finish watching it... but it's okay because i'll be watching it with jenny anyway ^-^... oh and i must say my grandma is so adorable and funny and rebelious LOL she refused to wear the "annoying" seatbelt
Me, Grandma, Yana zi, Andrea
we then went to my other aunt's house which is where my grandma lives... my grandma ended up cooking even more food but i was so full my stomache was gonna burst so i didn't eat... until my uncle made some of his own style migoreng and shoved it in my face which i must say was quite delish... so i shared it with my grandma and ate it... was too full to finish it on my own... gotta love how family just feeds you and feeds you non-stop...
my aunt then said to me;
aunt; "oh oh we're gonna come with you's to hong kong =D tell your mum and dad okay?"
me; "what?... i didn't know we were going for sure yet =S"
aunt; "yeahhh your dad said he was gonna take grandma with you's to hong kong... so we're gonna go too =]"
me+andrea; ?????????????????????? "HUH? HOW COME I DIDN'T HEAR ANY OF THIS"
my aunt then tried to set me up with my dance partner =.=... but her plan failed
we stayed here for the rest of the day before going airport...
the original plan was to go to the cemetary to pay our respects to our grandpa and uncle but it was raining too heavily that the incents and burning paper would just sizzle and drown out so our aunt decided not to...
we then head to the airport and got there an hour early... this time our flight was not delayed =D so yes got back to sydney on time [10.30ish].... AND BOY IS THE WEATHER STUFFY... =.= i could hardly breathe... it was so humidddd... but one thing i love about flying back to sydney is the lovely sea of lights that welcome you back in comparison to getting to melbourne... apparently its because the sydney airport is close to the city and the melbourne airport isn't [according to andrea]
and wow to the taxi line!!!
when i got home i updated my mum and dad on how melbourne was and then interoggated them on this bizz i heard about hong kong... at first my parents were just like nooooo we're taking your grandma to timor... but they eventually gave in and WE'RE GOING HONG KONG!!!!! =D uhuh uhuh thats right... melinda's mum already booked the tickets... but apparently we were in melbourne when this all happened and thats why we didn't know... yeah even though they called us a couple of times they left the "oh we're going hong kong by the way" detail out of the conversations =.=
so yehp theres the end of my 3 days in melbourne =]... and omg that took more than an hour to blog =.=
so jealous much, jealoussica?
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