yesterday i watched a very interesting episode that pointed out something that i never really noticed before..... now do what i tell you
stick out your hand....
is your palm facing up or down?
i only remember there being one time that somone has told me to stick out my hand... well i won't tell you what the meaning to palm facing up or down means just yet =]... so yes... does your palm face up or down when someone asks you to stick your hand out...
anyway... i went to the sauna last night which i haven't done since exams and the weather became hot... but yesterday was pretty cool so it was pretty good for sauna =]... they now have a new sign inside the sauna saying something along these lines... [obviously can not take picture in the sauna unless i wanna kill my phone ROFL]
` sit on a towel while inside
` do not put water on the heater [we were like WTH to this at first thinking o.O... but thats what you do in a sauna to make it hotter... then julie the smartie pointed out maybe they meant the sides but we can still put water on the rocks LOL... no idea]
` do not put oils or lotion on the rocks
as we were exiting... we noticed this sign at the front... which never really struck our attention all those other visits

might i highlight that they are talking about cabramatta....
anyway as we were about to get into the car and go home i got an unexpected random phone call from ken saying phi [an old tutor friend] said he wanted to come over and visit... have not talked to them in ages so i figured sure why not...
when i got home my dad told me to drink the medicine for going china [the orally taken one... not the vaccine].... and so i did
when i got home my dad told me to drink the medicine for going china [the orally taken one... not the vaccine].... and so i did

i had to mix that sachet and bottle into 150ml of water... i must say....
IT STUNK AND TASTED LIKE SHIT.... ROFL.... but it was hilarious to drink... somehow the idea of having to drink something so gross ammused me =S i couldn't stop laughing... took me 30mins to finish drinking it all before skulling a cup of water to wash out the taste... it left a gross after-taste and made my teeth feel fuzzy which might have been the after-effects of the sodium hydrogen bicarbonate that was in the sachet... =.=
anyway i then headed into the shower and soon after ken and phi arrived... we just bummed in the living room watching movies... i'm surprised at the things phi remembers from tutoring which was more than a year ago =S... i don't even remember... =.= but then again i doooo have a shit memory... anyway.. nice to see he hasn't changed... still a little weirdo boy =P
ANYWAYYYY..... [highlight below for meaning of palm question]
` if your palm faces up it means your someone who is always wanting to be loved by others and hope for people to give to you...
` if your palm faces down it means your a giver. you're use to helping out others and hold your wounds in your palms...
weeeeeeeeeeeeee gonna go catch up with ness next week ^-^ so excited because i haven't seen her in soooo long.. and by sooo long i mean AGESSSSS!!!
well i'm gonna treat myself to a Raffaello and some ice cream now =]
so jealous much, jealoussica?
IT STUNK AND TASTED LIKE SHIT.... ROFL.... but it was hilarious to drink... somehow the idea of having to drink something so gross ammused me =S i couldn't stop laughing... took me 30mins to finish drinking it all before skulling a cup of water to wash out the taste... it left a gross after-taste and made my teeth feel fuzzy which might have been the after-effects of the sodium hydrogen bicarbonate that was in the sachet... =.=
anyway i then headed into the shower and soon after ken and phi arrived... we just bummed in the living room watching movies... i'm surprised at the things phi remembers from tutoring which was more than a year ago =S... i don't even remember... =.= but then again i doooo have a shit memory... anyway.. nice to see he hasn't changed... still a little weirdo boy =P
ANYWAYYYY..... [highlight below for meaning of palm question]
` if your palm faces up it means your someone who is always wanting to be loved by others and hope for people to give to you...
` if your palm faces down it means your a giver. you're use to helping out others and hold your wounds in your palms...
weeeeeeeeeeeeee gonna go catch up with ness next week ^-^ so excited because i haven't seen her in soooo long.. and by sooo long i mean AGESSSSS!!!
well i'm gonna treat myself to a Raffaello and some ice cream now =]
so jealous much, jealoussica?
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