well well well.... today i woke up to a nice random phone call from vee asking if i wanted to join her tien and nigel for a movie at livo... thank god because otherwise i would have been downloading the rest of my remaining 4 gigs left of downloads away if i'd stayed home... we lazed at my house for an hour or so before heading out so nigel could move his car to avoid parking fees... i got to catch up with vee which was nice since we hadn't really been able to since beach house ^-^...
when we got to livo we roamed the perfume section of myer and bumped into jess fung and aena... my wifey looks hot in her working outfit ;)
vee also helped me pick out a scarf for my china trip which was 10 bux =]
` thanks vee
we then went to sushi bay to eat since we still had another 2 hours before the movie started **drools** they make the sushi sooo fast... it was my second time at this restaurant and this time i remembered my keycard ROFLMAO... there was so many yummy looking sushi... i wish it was all you can eat sushiiiiii... but sadly no =(
also tried the new christmas drink at boost... it was jingle something something... can't really remember what it was called but it was very yummy ^-^
we watched the invention of lying =]... WOOHOOO TO $7 STUDENT MONDAYS!!! the lady got us excited telling us we had the whole cinema to ourselves... but then it turned out that there were four other people in there with us... there was pop corn fights and i accidentally knocked over the box of popcorn which still had around a quarter of the box left =.=... the movie was not as good as the trailer made it out to be... but still enjoyable nonetheless because i got to watch it with fun people =]... LOL at tien who burst out laughing loudly at the jesus look scene... man just imagine living in a world where lieing didn't exist...
after that we head off to tien's house and as per usual his parent were entertaining us with jokes =]... tien is a lucky boy to have such parents.
tien showed us this;
lol look at the transition!!! i honestly don't remember his hair looking like that in year 12 =S but hey... i don't remember much stuff... =.=
anyway... gotta go work tomorow... so thankful i can still squeeze into the jeans that i use to wear to work there and don't have to damage another pair =]...not looking forward to waking up at 4... i mean thats like bedtime for me usually... hopefully i can fall asleep tonight =.=... well i'm gonna go lay in bed and try fall asleep now
so jealous much, jealoussica?
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