last night i drove alone for the first time in my life... andrea called me to go pick her up from cabra station... i was paranoid as hell when i went to start the car and all because it was 12 midnight on the dot when i stepped outside.. everyone in my family was already sleeping.. and the only things alight were the street lamps and my dear friend the moon... when i went into the car i quickly turned on the headlights so it would be brighter and tried not to look at any trees because they creep me out LOL...i reversed quickly out the carport jumped out to close the gate.. and quickly jumped back into the car and locked the doors... i then drove quickly till i reached a less secluded area which was hard to find since there isn't much cars on the road at that time..
as i was driving to cabra i thought i got lost because the route seemed to take extra long and i was still not reaching my destination... so i just kept going straight going WTH.... but eventually i saw the cabramatta police station and knew i was going the right way =.= phew... i guess the route seemed extra long because this time i was alone and there wasn't someone talking to me to distract me on how long the route was... i got there early and thank god theres pretty much no cars at that time of the night so parking was easy =]
when i got home i watch a drama called I Am Sam which had been in my external harddrive for ages now and i had forgotten about it... so i finally got around to watching it... thats all i did today as well... still haven't finish watching it yet..
tonight my aunt called and asked me to help work at her store tomorow =.=.... i couldn't say no because i feel bad saying no to family and friends... so i gotta get up at 3 in the morning tomorow because we starting at 5.. but then i'm gonna come home at 3 in the arvo so i can go dinner with my wifey and then watch the 9pm fireworks along with some other girls before heading to diana's =]
ah well i guess i'll get around $110ish which can go towards china =]
hmmm i'll go sleep after one more ep of I Am Sam
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
=.= at you guys!!! ROFL ahem.... yes... thank you jenny for that lovely blog post which i have now deleted XP
` thank you jenny for the sleepover =] it was loads of fun... even though i know you just wanted to take advantage of me and my ass
` thank you tammy for that very sexy seducing last night.. was very turned on ROFLMAO
` sorry leena there was no fried ice cream left and thanks for that **whispers** wild sex session ;)
alrightees i spent yesterday morning and afternoon with my mum, aunts and cousins making some "fingernail biscuits" for new years ^-^ [don't actually know what they're really called but thats what the translation sounds like from my language]... ness then came over to pick me up for the 7.30 session of avatar =D.. it was such a pretty and action filled movie... i want to watch it again!!!
` sorry ness i couldn't drive us since my dad didn't let me park in westfields... i had a great 3 hours with you ^-^
i then drove to jenny's for a sleep over where we ate.. chatted... and watched movies ^-^.. we watched the ugly truth... and then the hannah montana movie which i fell asleep halfway... the next day we came back to my house thinking there was some fried ice cream left in my fridge only there wasn't =.=... the last box was taken to melinda's house for one of the mah jong nights
i also brewed the rose tea i got on boxing day.. it looks very pretty =D [pictures later]... it's got a very subtle flowery taste to it and helps make me feel calm and care-free... the flower petals have turned from pink to a very light peachy colour which coulddd be just because of the colour of the tea making white petals look peachy =S.. i shall find out after i finish drinking it all
i think i'll start packing for china later today if i can be bothered.. got nothing else to do at home =.= since i'm capped...
` thanks to all that have spent the last few days with me so i didn't have to be bored at home with a capped net =]
OH =D and i got my pay today... manage to make $506 in those 3 days of work which can go to my china trip ^-^... then tomorow i get $244 from centrelink =D WOOHOOOO
P.S; avatar is really good... highly recommended =D
so jealous much, jealoussica?
` thank you jenny for the sleepover =] it was loads of fun... even though i know you just wanted to take advantage of me and my ass
` thank you tammy for that very sexy seducing last night.. was very turned on ROFLMAO
` sorry leena there was no fried ice cream left and thanks for that **whispers** wild sex session ;)
alrightees i spent yesterday morning and afternoon with my mum, aunts and cousins making some "fingernail biscuits" for new years ^-^ [don't actually know what they're really called but thats what the translation sounds like from my language]... ness then came over to pick me up for the 7.30 session of avatar =D.. it was such a pretty and action filled movie... i want to watch it again!!!
` sorry ness i couldn't drive us since my dad didn't let me park in westfields... i had a great 3 hours with you ^-^
i then drove to jenny's for a sleep over where we ate.. chatted... and watched movies ^-^.. we watched the ugly truth... and then the hannah montana movie which i fell asleep halfway... the next day we came back to my house thinking there was some fried ice cream left in my fridge only there wasn't =.=... the last box was taken to melinda's house for one of the mah jong nights
i also brewed the rose tea i got on boxing day.. it looks very pretty =D [pictures later]... it's got a very subtle flowery taste to it and helps make me feel calm and care-free... the flower petals have turned from pink to a very light peachy colour which coulddd be just because of the colour of the tea making white petals look peachy =S.. i shall find out after i finish drinking it all
i think i'll start packing for china later today if i can be bothered.. got nothing else to do at home =.= since i'm capped...
` thanks to all that have spent the last few days with me so i didn't have to be bored at home with a capped net =]
OH =D and i got my pay today... manage to make $506 in those 3 days of work which can go to my china trip ^-^... then tomorow i get $244 from centrelink =D WOOHOOOO
P.S; avatar is really good... highly recommended =D
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Monday, December 28, 2009
luck is on our side =]
ness came over early in the morning so we could go many places ^-^... our first stop was DFO =].. i haven't been there in ages.. the amount of cars lining up to get a parking spot was crazy... but we were so lucky we got one right away =O... i never knew before but theres a hole in the fence in DFO =S [will post picture later]... i ended up buying a top/dress o.O for 20 and a pair of denim shorts for 30
we then head to rhodes to go ikea =D... yehp ness wants to refurnish her bedroom too... when we got there we were lucky again and managed to get a parking spot right away once more ^-^... we were starving so we went to eat at the ikea restaurant first ^-^... it was so worth it... we had stuffed salmon... mashed potatoes and i also had a chocolate mousse... **drools**... we then did the ikea walk and when we got to the exit... i was going to buy light bulbs for the new night light i bought on my first visit and some plain candles for my new tea-pot stand... BUTTTTTT THE LINE WAS RIDICULOUSLY LONG!!! so i stuffed it and we left... we looked around at some of the shops and then i got myself a wendy's cookies and cream thickshake before leaving... i was craving =]
then we headed to parra westfields to shop some more... and once again we got lucky with car park... =D luck must be on our side for today... i got myself a 5 bux scarf... i think that will be the last scarf i buy... i've got 3 now ^-^... now what i really need is some gloves =]... we also ended up bumping into jacquie which was random
after that ness got hansol a hot water fragrance gift pack =]... we then drove to his house and she left it on his doorstep to surprise him when he got home ^-^... how sweet... he's so lucky to have her... i'd love to come home to a random unexpected gift
then we drove to KFC!!! yummyyyy~ and headed back to my house to eat and relax... after she left i had a quick shower and went over to melinda's since the rest of my family were over there for mah jong [for adults] and movies [for kids]... and i obviously did not want to be home alone at night =.=... i was paranoid just showering alone at night... we watched a good movie called amusement and the start of the orphan but then the parents finished with their mah jong round and we had to come home lol... i shall now go on msn for a little since i haven't done so in a while
so jealous much, jealoussica?
we then head to rhodes to go ikea =D... yehp ness wants to refurnish her bedroom too... when we got there we were lucky again and managed to get a parking spot right away once more ^-^... we were starving so we went to eat at the ikea restaurant first ^-^... it was so worth it... we had stuffed salmon... mashed potatoes and i also had a chocolate mousse... **drools**... we then did the ikea walk and when we got to the exit... i was going to buy light bulbs for the new night light i bought on my first visit and some plain candles for my new tea-pot stand... BUTTTTTT THE LINE WAS RIDICULOUSLY LONG!!! so i stuffed it and we left... we looked around at some of the shops and then i got myself a wendy's cookies and cream thickshake before leaving... i was craving =]
then we headed to parra westfields to shop some more... and once again we got lucky with car park... =D luck must be on our side for today... i got myself a 5 bux scarf... i think that will be the last scarf i buy... i've got 3 now ^-^... now what i really need is some gloves =]... we also ended up bumping into jacquie which was random
after that ness got hansol a hot water fragrance gift pack =]... we then drove to his house and she left it on his doorstep to surprise him when he got home ^-^... how sweet... he's so lucky to have her... i'd love to come home to a random unexpected gift
then we drove to KFC!!! yummyyyy~ and headed back to my house to eat and relax... after she left i had a quick shower and went over to melinda's since the rest of my family were over there for mah jong [for adults] and movies [for kids]... and i obviously did not want to be home alone at night =.=... i was paranoid just showering alone at night... we watched a good movie called amusement and the start of the orphan but then the parents finished with their mah jong round and we had to come home lol... i shall now go on msn for a little since i haven't done so in a while
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
25th night;
lol so the christmas tree contained a nelson holding a box of ferrero rocher chocolates LOL =]
today was boxing day sales... i got a msg from jenny at 5.30 and then she came to pick me up to go to the boxing day sales around 6 something =D... we ended up getting to town hall around 8 something and met up with tammy and mel... it was a good thing we got there early because the lines were crazy as we were leaving myer... i hate how on boxing day sales... walking turns to shuffling along like penguins... i ended up lining up for 30 minutes or so for another $10 scarf =.=.... i then saw an alien and so i turned the other way andd went down the escalator to the wonderful food section... ALSO i visited your cousins candy shop jessica =D... and bought a hershey... though i didn't think he recognised me so i didn't talk to him =.=... we then walked into T2 to get some free tea that they always have pre-made at the counter and jenny smelt a really pretty smelling tea so she edged me to ask them for a sample... and i did... AND THEY GAVE A BAG TO TRY OUT =O... YAYYYYYY ^-^... HONESTLY... it has such a nice sweet smell to it... it's called green rose ^-^... [will post photos after china]... then i went to Rose Tea House which is the place that i saw my beloved clear glass tea pot AND IT WAS ON SALE EVEN MORE TODAY... the smaller one was from 69 to 32... and the bigger one was from 89 to 44!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the stand that keeps your tea warm was from 29 to 12!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i bought the bigger one and the stand =]... also its because the owners said they will be closing down on the 3rd of january =(... i have to go and visit their store before they close!!! they also gave me a bag of free tea to sample =D... it's called rose tea... little buds of dried rose buds ^-^... can't wait to try it out too!!!
we then headed to market city where leena awaited and to our disappointment.. the $2.50 sushi train was closed =(... at market city i managed to buy 2 jumpers for china =]... still haven't got myself a pair of gloves and a waterproof jacket and shoes yet though =.=
when i got home i found out we were going melinda's house again so the parents could play mah jong... TONIGHT I DROVE ON THE M5 FOR THE FIRST TIME =O... needed to go to pick up one of andrea's "friends" ;)... we then got to melinda's and watched part of silent hill and IT... but we found them both boring so we stopped watching... we then went to a petrol station and bought magnum sandwich =P mmmmmmm yummyyyyyy **licks lips**... nothing beats ice cream at 1 in the morning
melinda is sleeping over... i think i'll try sleep a bit earlier though since i have a big day tomorow catching up with ness ^-^ SO EXCITED.... can't have myself fall asleep in her presence again
PS bought a "first love" bracelet
so jealous much, jealoussica?
lol so the christmas tree contained a nelson holding a box of ferrero rocher chocolates LOL =]
today was boxing day sales... i got a msg from jenny at 5.30 and then she came to pick me up to go to the boxing day sales around 6 something =D... we ended up getting to town hall around 8 something and met up with tammy and mel... it was a good thing we got there early because the lines were crazy as we were leaving myer... i hate how on boxing day sales... walking turns to shuffling along like penguins... i ended up lining up for 30 minutes or so for another $10 scarf =.=.... i then saw an alien and so i turned the other way andd went down the escalator to the wonderful food section... ALSO i visited your cousins candy shop jessica =D... and bought a hershey... though i didn't think he recognised me so i didn't talk to him =.=... we then walked into T2 to get some free tea that they always have pre-made at the counter and jenny smelt a really pretty smelling tea so she edged me to ask them for a sample... and i did... AND THEY GAVE A BAG TO TRY OUT =O... YAYYYYYY ^-^... HONESTLY... it has such a nice sweet smell to it... it's called green rose ^-^... [will post photos after china]... then i went to Rose Tea House which is the place that i saw my beloved clear glass tea pot AND IT WAS ON SALE EVEN MORE TODAY... the smaller one was from 69 to 32... and the bigger one was from 89 to 44!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the stand that keeps your tea warm was from 29 to 12!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i bought the bigger one and the stand =]... also its because the owners said they will be closing down on the 3rd of january =(... i have to go and visit their store before they close!!! they also gave me a bag of free tea to sample =D... it's called rose tea... little buds of dried rose buds ^-^... can't wait to try it out too!!!
we then headed to market city where leena awaited and to our disappointment.. the $2.50 sushi train was closed =(... at market city i managed to buy 2 jumpers for china =]... still haven't got myself a pair of gloves and a waterproof jacket and shoes yet though =.=
when i got home i found out we were going melinda's house again so the parents could play mah jong... TONIGHT I DROVE ON THE M5 FOR THE FIRST TIME =O... needed to go to pick up one of andrea's "friends" ;)... we then got to melinda's and watched part of silent hill and IT... but we found them both boring so we stopped watching... we then went to a petrol station and bought magnum sandwich =P mmmmmmm yummyyyyyy **licks lips**... nothing beats ice cream at 1 in the morning
melinda is sleeping over... i think i'll try sleep a bit earlier though since i have a big day tomorow catching up with ness ^-^ SO EXCITED.... can't have myself fall asleep in her presence again
PS bought a "first love" bracelet
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Friday, December 25, 2009
weeeeeeeeee my 3 days of work is finally over... anyway.. this is what i bin up to for the past 3 days
Day 1;
yehp... as i predicted i could not fall asleep at all... i got sleepyish around 3... BUT THENNN i heard this scary ass noise... it sounded like an old lady crying very loudly... NO IT WAS NOT A CAT.. i've heard cats cry plenty times to be able to distinguish.. she sounded devastated... it really creeped me out so i was fully awake again... and before i knew it i heard my mum's alarm clock go off so i knew it was time to wake up and get ready =(... ah well it wasn't too bad working that day because there were newcomers that needed practice and training so i was told to go pack seaweed salad for the 23rd and 24th... though of course i still had to serve customers if there was not enough workers to tend to them... yeah quite tiring since it's been a while since i've stood for 12 hours straight without sleep....
after work i went to livo since it was the shopping nights period before christmas... and then julie brought her new puppy pebbles over =D... he's so cute... [and i'm capped again so i'll upload pics after i come back from china since i get uncapped during my china trip =.=]
Day 2 + 3;
^-^ today jenny returned from her trip.. so tammy daniel and i went to go pick her up =D... while we were waiting for her in a car park... a Hoang Do bus service bus drove into the car park =O LOL now i know what tien was on about all those days he was driving us to uni LOL
jenny showed us a cool massage thing they have at singapore airport where little fishies eat off your dead skin cells... so gotta try it one day =D... they also got cool cups in singapore where you put what you want in it and the temperature of the thing you put in it will stay at that temperature =O... so a cold drink stays cold and a hot drink stays hot... no more need for ice or reheating!!!... too bad it's a rip LOL
anyway i got home and got ready for my 2 days straight of working... and left for work at 1.30ish... yehp.. few hours in to the work and i already got pricks and cuts =.=... that is until they set up the outside stand.. then i got to go work at the oyster and smoked salmon stand... working at that stand has its pros and cons...
` bludgier because it's not as busy as inside so i got periods where i stand there relaxing
` i don't get cut by the fish fins or lobsters
` i don't get pricked by prawns
` i don't need to walk all the way to the inside cash register because i have one outside already
` i got to watch the sunset and sunrise =D
` its a cramped workspace so you barely get to move that i was starting to feel claustrophobic
` it's hard to find a replacement so i didn't get to go on breaks and i didn't get to sleep or anything so i had to work/stand for 28 hours straight
` when the sun rises you get burnt and it was boiling on the 24th when the sun was rising
` when you need to go toilet you can't because you need to always have someone at the stand to serve customers and look after the cash
` thank you jenny for those funny messages LOL it made me giggle in my boring workplace yes i just didn't reply because i hate your guts =P LOL kiddingggggg LOVE YOUUUU
after 28 hours of not sitting my ankles area really felt like they were going to break... the calf muscles in that area were even swollen =(... on the way home my mum was also half asleep she microslept and almost crashed a van... her side mirror crashed it and got bent in.. but then that shocked her awake
ness then came over after i got home and showered ^-^ we lay on my bed to catch up... i could barely move anyway LOL... and at 2 points i got so sleepy i fell asleep =.=.. yehp thats what happens when you havent slept for ages and been working... we gonna have a proper catch up on sunday since she doesn't have work =] weeeeeeeeeeeee
YEAHHHHH... anyway i kinda forgot it was christmas today.. until i woke up this morning and saw the christmas msges... sorry i didn't reply to them guys.. i'm out of credit LOL.. but thanks all ^-^ and i wish you all a very merry christmas too ^-^... yeh i was so tired i actually slept through all the msgs =.=
my cousin then came over and brought her baby daughter along =D.. it's been a few years since i've carried a baby i was so worried i would drop her... leah was so light and tiny.. such an adorable baby.. she was looking at everything in our house.. and she has such hugeeee pupils ^-^... she can't walk or talk yet... and it was so cute because she was in a tiny cute little christmas outfit i just wanted to give her the biggest tightest hug but i didn't want to make her cry
now i'm at melinda's house for christmas dinner and for the parents to play mah jong LOL
Day 1;
yehp... as i predicted i could not fall asleep at all... i got sleepyish around 3... BUT THENNN i heard this scary ass noise... it sounded like an old lady crying very loudly... NO IT WAS NOT A CAT.. i've heard cats cry plenty times to be able to distinguish.. she sounded devastated... it really creeped me out so i was fully awake again... and before i knew it i heard my mum's alarm clock go off so i knew it was time to wake up and get ready =(... ah well it wasn't too bad working that day because there were newcomers that needed practice and training so i was told to go pack seaweed salad for the 23rd and 24th... though of course i still had to serve customers if there was not enough workers to tend to them... yeah quite tiring since it's been a while since i've stood for 12 hours straight without sleep....
after work i went to livo since it was the shopping nights period before christmas... and then julie brought her new puppy pebbles over =D... he's so cute... [and i'm capped again so i'll upload pics after i come back from china since i get uncapped during my china trip =.=]
Day 2 + 3;
^-^ today jenny returned from her trip.. so tammy daniel and i went to go pick her up =D... while we were waiting for her in a car park... a Hoang Do bus service bus drove into the car park =O LOL now i know what tien was on about all those days he was driving us to uni LOL
jenny showed us a cool massage thing they have at singapore airport where little fishies eat off your dead skin cells... so gotta try it one day =D... they also got cool cups in singapore where you put what you want in it and the temperature of the thing you put in it will stay at that temperature =O... so a cold drink stays cold and a hot drink stays hot... no more need for ice or reheating!!!... too bad it's a rip LOL
anyway i got home and got ready for my 2 days straight of working... and left for work at 1.30ish... yehp.. few hours in to the work and i already got pricks and cuts =.=... that is until they set up the outside stand.. then i got to go work at the oyster and smoked salmon stand... working at that stand has its pros and cons...
` bludgier because it's not as busy as inside so i got periods where i stand there relaxing
` i don't get cut by the fish fins or lobsters
` i don't get pricked by prawns
` i don't need to walk all the way to the inside cash register because i have one outside already
` i got to watch the sunset and sunrise =D
` its a cramped workspace so you barely get to move that i was starting to feel claustrophobic
` it's hard to find a replacement so i didn't get to go on breaks and i didn't get to sleep or anything so i had to work/stand for 28 hours straight
` when the sun rises you get burnt and it was boiling on the 24th when the sun was rising
` when you need to go toilet you can't because you need to always have someone at the stand to serve customers and look after the cash
` thank you jenny for those funny messages LOL it made me giggle in my boring workplace yes i just didn't reply because i hate your guts =P LOL kiddingggggg LOVE YOUUUU
after 28 hours of not sitting my ankles area really felt like they were going to break... the calf muscles in that area were even swollen =(... on the way home my mum was also half asleep she microslept and almost crashed a van... her side mirror crashed it and got bent in.. but then that shocked her awake
ness then came over after i got home and showered ^-^ we lay on my bed to catch up... i could barely move anyway LOL... and at 2 points i got so sleepy i fell asleep =.=.. yehp thats what happens when you havent slept for ages and been working... we gonna have a proper catch up on sunday since she doesn't have work =] weeeeeeeeeeeee
YEAHHHHH... anyway i kinda forgot it was christmas today.. until i woke up this morning and saw the christmas msges... sorry i didn't reply to them guys.. i'm out of credit LOL.. but thanks all ^-^ and i wish you all a very merry christmas too ^-^... yeh i was so tired i actually slept through all the msgs =.=
my cousin then came over and brought her baby daughter along =D.. it's been a few years since i've carried a baby i was so worried i would drop her... leah was so light and tiny.. such an adorable baby.. she was looking at everything in our house.. and she has such hugeeee pupils ^-^... she can't walk or talk yet... and it was so cute because she was in a tiny cute little christmas outfit i just wanted to give her the biggest tightest hug but i didn't want to make her cry
now i'm at melinda's house for christmas dinner and for the parents to play mah jong LOL
hope you got your white christmas jessica =]
Monday, December 21, 2009
Inventions of Lying
well well well.... today i woke up to a nice random phone call from vee asking if i wanted to join her tien and nigel for a movie at livo... thank god because otherwise i would have been downloading the rest of my remaining 4 gigs left of downloads away if i'd stayed home... we lazed at my house for an hour or so before heading out so nigel could move his car to avoid parking fees... i got to catch up with vee which was nice since we hadn't really been able to since beach house ^-^...
when we got to livo we roamed the perfume section of myer and bumped into jess fung and aena... my wifey looks hot in her working outfit ;)
vee also helped me pick out a scarf for my china trip which was 10 bux =]
` thanks vee
we then went to sushi bay to eat since we still had another 2 hours before the movie started **drools** they make the sushi sooo fast... it was my second time at this restaurant and this time i remembered my keycard ROFLMAO... there was so many yummy looking sushi... i wish it was all you can eat sushiiiiii... but sadly no =(
also tried the new christmas drink at boost... it was jingle something something... can't really remember what it was called but it was very yummy ^-^
we watched the invention of lying =]... WOOHOOO TO $7 STUDENT MONDAYS!!! the lady got us excited telling us we had the whole cinema to ourselves... but then it turned out that there were four other people in there with us... there was pop corn fights and i accidentally knocked over the box of popcorn which still had around a quarter of the box left =.=... the movie was not as good as the trailer made it out to be... but still enjoyable nonetheless because i got to watch it with fun people =]... LOL at tien who burst out laughing loudly at the jesus look scene... man just imagine living in a world where lieing didn't exist...
after that we head off to tien's house and as per usual his parent were entertaining us with jokes =]... tien is a lucky boy to have such parents.
tien showed us this;
lol look at the transition!!! i honestly don't remember his hair looking like that in year 12 =S but hey... i don't remember much stuff... =.=
anyway... gotta go work tomorow... so thankful i can still squeeze into the jeans that i use to wear to work there and don't have to damage another pair =]...not looking forward to waking up at 4... i mean thats like bedtime for me usually... hopefully i can fall asleep tonight =.=... well i'm gonna go lay in bed and try fall asleep now
so jealous much, jealoussica?
when we got to livo we roamed the perfume section of myer and bumped into jess fung and aena... my wifey looks hot in her working outfit ;)
vee also helped me pick out a scarf for my china trip which was 10 bux =]
` thanks vee
we then went to sushi bay to eat since we still had another 2 hours before the movie started **drools** they make the sushi sooo fast... it was my second time at this restaurant and this time i remembered my keycard ROFLMAO... there was so many yummy looking sushi... i wish it was all you can eat sushiiiiii... but sadly no =(
also tried the new christmas drink at boost... it was jingle something something... can't really remember what it was called but it was very yummy ^-^
we watched the invention of lying =]... WOOHOOO TO $7 STUDENT MONDAYS!!! the lady got us excited telling us we had the whole cinema to ourselves... but then it turned out that there were four other people in there with us... there was pop corn fights and i accidentally knocked over the box of popcorn which still had around a quarter of the box left =.=... the movie was not as good as the trailer made it out to be... but still enjoyable nonetheless because i got to watch it with fun people =]... LOL at tien who burst out laughing loudly at the jesus look scene... man just imagine living in a world where lieing didn't exist...
after that we head off to tien's house and as per usual his parent were entertaining us with jokes =]... tien is a lucky boy to have such parents.
tien showed us this;
lol look at the transition!!! i honestly don't remember his hair looking like that in year 12 =S but hey... i don't remember much stuff... =.=
anyway... gotta go work tomorow... so thankful i can still squeeze into the jeans that i use to wear to work there and don't have to damage another pair =]...not looking forward to waking up at 4... i mean thats like bedtime for me usually... hopefully i can fall asleep tonight =.=... well i'm gonna go lay in bed and try fall asleep now
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Getting There~!
today i managed to almost finish tidying both my rooms... i finished with my computer room... and did most of my bedroom... i've resorted the clothes in my warddrobe and on my bed... just still need to sort out my sleeping clothes and the clothes in the basket at the end of my bed which i plan to do tomorow =]...
in the midst of tidying up my room... my dad comes in and shows me what he bought for brenden to go china.... in the bundle there was a jumper with a huge 69 printed on the back ROFLMAO.... and so i asked him if he knew what 69 meant.... and he said no... and so he asked me what it meant... but how awkward would it be if i told him so i just told him not to worry LOL since he says its for brenden to wear to sleep over there anyway
man i must say i really hate saving up money as it means restricting myself from going out =.=... not to mention i'm running out of things to entertain myself with at home... i'm almost capped already and it's only been 7 days.... this is predominantly because i'm not going out so that i'm spending my time downloading... yuck to saving money!!!
well on tuesday wednesday and thursday my aunt has asked me to help work at her store for the busy christmas period... i'm not really looking forward to it as it means being pushed and shoved.. being pricked and cut... and not to mention the neverending flow of customers... =.= hmmmm most likely working wednesday to thursday straight again which means no sleep and means my brain operating extra slow... on the upside.. i'll get money for china trip
well at least wednesday morning i get to go pick up jenny before going to work so that should be exciting =]
anyway... andrea needed to go to woolies tonight so i drove her there... this gave me a chance to practice some more of my parking... i can now park with a car on one side and a space on the other side of me on my own =].... i'm getting there... next i'll try a spot with 2 cars on either side of me ^-^
tonight for dinner i had; PORK JERKEYYYY!!!!!
so jealous much, jealoussica?
in the midst of tidying up my room... my dad comes in and shows me what he bought for brenden to go china.... in the bundle there was a jumper with a huge 69 printed on the back ROFLMAO.... and so i asked him if he knew what 69 meant.... and he said no... and so he asked me what it meant... but how awkward would it be if i told him so i just told him not to worry LOL since he says its for brenden to wear to sleep over there anyway
man i must say i really hate saving up money as it means restricting myself from going out =.=... not to mention i'm running out of things to entertain myself with at home... i'm almost capped already and it's only been 7 days.... this is predominantly because i'm not going out so that i'm spending my time downloading... yuck to saving money!!!
well on tuesday wednesday and thursday my aunt has asked me to help work at her store for the busy christmas period... i'm not really looking forward to it as it means being pushed and shoved.. being pricked and cut... and not to mention the neverending flow of customers... =.= hmmmm most likely working wednesday to thursday straight again which means no sleep and means my brain operating extra slow... on the upside.. i'll get money for china trip
well at least wednesday morning i get to go pick up jenny before going to work so that should be exciting =]
anyway... andrea needed to go to woolies tonight so i drove her there... this gave me a chance to practice some more of my parking... i can now park with a car on one side and a space on the other side of me on my own =].... i'm getting there... next i'll try a spot with 2 cars on either side of me ^-^
tonight for dinner i had; PORK JERKEYYYY!!!!!
freshly grilled~!!! **drools**
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Sunday, December 20, 2009
i think i'll tidy both my rooms tomorow for sure =] so i can watch this new drama i found online freely without guilt as i have been putting off tidying for ages now =.=
the new drama is You're Beautiful.... really cute and nice storyline =D
anyway today melinda's mum called in the afternoon and told us to go over to eat and play mah jong... so we did.... with me being the chauffuer.... nope i had no idea about the directions... so i followed my instincts which were wrong... and brenden ended up pointing the way for me... how embarrassing =.=... whilst driving i sped for the first time... only because the limit marked was ridiculous... it went from 70km/hr to 40km/hr... alll because they were doing roadwork... but they weren't while i was driving so i travelled at 60... the car infront of me was obviously not doing 40 either since he was out of sight in a few seconds so he must have been doing 80 or something... and the car behind me was tailgating me =.=... but i stayed at 60 because there were some very narrow windy sections... so yes... damn i sped... but 40 is way too slow... it was ridiculoussssssssss... this is on the way to cowpasture [i think] if you're wondering what road work section i'm talking about...
anyway when we got there there was so much food **drools**... my favourite out of the dishes was pekking duck =D with the wrap and very yummy sauce... i stuffed myself with 3 plates and then stood at the table of food and picked at some more of the food that was left...
we then lay in nelson's room and watched chonny's videos on youtube to laugh off some calories... melinda then realised that this year it doesn't even feel like christmas is approaching... and they still hadn't put up the christmas tree... so we went to set it up ^-^

decorating is always fun =D... now the only thing missing is the presents... LOL good observation by pindoodle =P
the new drama is You're Beautiful.... really cute and nice storyline =D
anyway today melinda's mum called in the afternoon and told us to go over to eat and play mah jong... so we did.... with me being the chauffuer.... nope i had no idea about the directions... so i followed my instincts which were wrong... and brenden ended up pointing the way for me... how embarrassing =.=... whilst driving i sped for the first time... only because the limit marked was ridiculous... it went from 70km/hr to 40km/hr... alll because they were doing roadwork... but they weren't while i was driving so i travelled at 60... the car infront of me was obviously not doing 40 either since he was out of sight in a few seconds so he must have been doing 80 or something... and the car behind me was tailgating me =.=... but i stayed at 60 because there were some very narrow windy sections... so yes... damn i sped... but 40 is way too slow... it was ridiculoussssssssss... this is on the way to cowpasture [i think] if you're wondering what road work section i'm talking about...
anyway when we got there there was so much food **drools**... my favourite out of the dishes was pekking duck =D with the wrap and very yummy sauce... i stuffed myself with 3 plates and then stood at the table of food and picked at some more of the food that was left...
we then lay in nelson's room and watched chonny's videos on youtube to laugh off some calories... melinda then realised that this year it doesn't even feel like christmas is approaching... and they still hadn't put up the christmas tree... so we went to set it up ^-^

decorating is always fun =D... now the only thing missing is the presents... LOL good observation by pindoodle =P
funny how years ago we'd have christmas parties and the amount of presents under the tree would be plentiful... and the past few years the amount of presents would probably be around a quarter of what it use to be... but pindoodle is determined to try and make the tree be swimming in a sea of presents once more ^-^
anyway my tummy is filled to the rim with delish food and i've had my fun decorating... now i'll treat myself to another drama episode =D
so jealous much, jealoussica?
anyway my tummy is filled to the rim with delish food and i've had my fun decorating... now i'll treat myself to another drama episode =D
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Up or Down?
yesterday i watched a very interesting episode that pointed out something that i never really noticed before..... now do what i tell you
stick out your hand....
is your palm facing up or down?
i only remember there being one time that somone has told me to stick out my hand... well i won't tell you what the meaning to palm facing up or down means just yet =]... so yes... does your palm face up or down when someone asks you to stick your hand out...
anyway... i went to the sauna last night which i haven't done since exams and the weather became hot... but yesterday was pretty cool so it was pretty good for sauna =]... they now have a new sign inside the sauna saying something along these lines... [obviously can not take picture in the sauna unless i wanna kill my phone ROFL]
` sit on a towel while inside
` do not put water on the heater [we were like WTH to this at first thinking o.O... but thats what you do in a sauna to make it hotter... then julie the smartie pointed out maybe they meant the sides but we can still put water on the rocks LOL... no idea]
` do not put oils or lotion on the rocks
as we were exiting... we noticed this sign at the front... which never really struck our attention all those other visits

might i highlight that they are talking about cabramatta....

yesterday i watched a very interesting episode that pointed out something that i never really noticed before..... now do what i tell you
stick out your hand....
is your palm facing up or down?
i only remember there being one time that somone has told me to stick out my hand... well i won't tell you what the meaning to palm facing up or down means just yet =]... so yes... does your palm face up or down when someone asks you to stick your hand out...
anyway... i went to the sauna last night which i haven't done since exams and the weather became hot... but yesterday was pretty cool so it was pretty good for sauna =]... they now have a new sign inside the sauna saying something along these lines... [obviously can not take picture in the sauna unless i wanna kill my phone ROFL]
` sit on a towel while inside
` do not put water on the heater [we were like WTH to this at first thinking o.O... but thats what you do in a sauna to make it hotter... then julie the smartie pointed out maybe they meant the sides but we can still put water on the rocks LOL... no idea]
` do not put oils or lotion on the rocks
as we were exiting... we noticed this sign at the front... which never really struck our attention all those other visits

might i highlight that they are talking about cabramatta....
anyway as we were about to get into the car and go home i got an unexpected random phone call from ken saying phi [an old tutor friend] said he wanted to come over and visit... have not talked to them in ages so i figured sure why not...
when i got home my dad told me to drink the medicine for going china [the orally taken one... not the vaccine].... and so i did
when i got home my dad told me to drink the medicine for going china [the orally taken one... not the vaccine].... and so i did

i had to mix that sachet and bottle into 150ml of water... i must say....
IT STUNK AND TASTED LIKE SHIT.... ROFL.... but it was hilarious to drink... somehow the idea of having to drink something so gross ammused me =S i couldn't stop laughing... took me 30mins to finish drinking it all before skulling a cup of water to wash out the taste... it left a gross after-taste and made my teeth feel fuzzy which might have been the after-effects of the sodium hydrogen bicarbonate that was in the sachet... =.=
anyway i then headed into the shower and soon after ken and phi arrived... we just bummed in the living room watching movies... i'm surprised at the things phi remembers from tutoring which was more than a year ago =S... i don't even remember... =.= but then again i doooo have a shit memory... anyway.. nice to see he hasn't changed... still a little weirdo boy =P
ANYWAYYYY..... [highlight below for meaning of palm question]
` if your palm faces up it means your someone who is always wanting to be loved by others and hope for people to give to you...
` if your palm faces down it means your a giver. you're use to helping out others and hold your wounds in your palms...
weeeeeeeeeeeeee gonna go catch up with ness next week ^-^ so excited because i haven't seen her in soooo long.. and by sooo long i mean AGESSSSS!!!
well i'm gonna treat myself to a Raffaello and some ice cream now =]
so jealous much, jealoussica?
IT STUNK AND TASTED LIKE SHIT.... ROFL.... but it was hilarious to drink... somehow the idea of having to drink something so gross ammused me =S i couldn't stop laughing... took me 30mins to finish drinking it all before skulling a cup of water to wash out the taste... it left a gross after-taste and made my teeth feel fuzzy which might have been the after-effects of the sodium hydrogen bicarbonate that was in the sachet... =.=
anyway i then headed into the shower and soon after ken and phi arrived... we just bummed in the living room watching movies... i'm surprised at the things phi remembers from tutoring which was more than a year ago =S... i don't even remember... =.= but then again i doooo have a shit memory... anyway.. nice to see he hasn't changed... still a little weirdo boy =P
ANYWAYYYY..... [highlight below for meaning of palm question]
` if your palm faces up it means your someone who is always wanting to be loved by others and hope for people to give to you...
` if your palm faces down it means your a giver. you're use to helping out others and hold your wounds in your palms...
weeeeeeeeeeeeee gonna go catch up with ness next week ^-^ so excited because i haven't seen her in soooo long.. and by sooo long i mean AGESSSSS!!!
well i'm gonna treat myself to a Raffaello and some ice cream now =]
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Friday, December 18, 2009
my brother's friends came over today and woke me up with the doorbell =.=... and then julie also came over for a hair cute... soon after i decided i wanted to make fruit salad so we went out of our airconed house to go buy the fruits and ice cream =D.... it was sooo hot it was a sauna outside... LOL poor julie had to burn her hands on the steering wheel and handbrake =P...
making the fruit salad was a very dangerous process.... julie almost dropped the huge butcher-knife on our toes... but she caught it just in time as it was slipping **phew**... so after what seemed like a few hours we finally finished chopping all the fruits and chucked them into the new fruit salad bowl i bought from ikea =]

i think her long fur around her neck makes her look like a frilled neck lizard ^-^
making the fruit salad was a very dangerous process.... julie almost dropped the huge butcher-knife on our toes... but she caught it just in time as it was slipping **phew**... so after what seemed like a few hours we finally finished chopping all the fruits and chucked them into the new fruit salad bowl i bought from ikea =]
the fruit salad consisted of watermelon =D my favourite... mango... grapes... honeydew... apple... banana... and i did buy strawberries but i forgot to put it in =.=
and fruit salad is best with ice cream ^-^
best treat for a hot day~ =]
it's all i had for dinner because it was too hot to eat anything else... [well i had 2 bowls and an extra bowl of ice cream]
yehp i also put the bowls i bought from ikea to good use
it's all i had for dinner because it was too hot to eat anything else... [well i had 2 bowls and an extra bowl of ice cream]
yehp i also put the bowls i bought from ikea to good use
julie then forgot the collar she bought for panda in my bag so i drove up to her house and then we layed in her room to play with panda for a bit... =]
here's what pandy looks like with her new collar and dog tag from the world dog games on =]
here's what pandy looks like with her new collar and dog tag from the world dog games on =]

i think her long fur around her neck makes her look like a frilled neck lizard ^-^
when i got home i showered a nice long shower because of the heat and ate more ice cream with the ice majic topping =].... does hot weather just make you so drowsey and sleepy?... i know thats how it makes me feel... so yeah other than bumming at houses... FRUIT SALAD... YUMMY YUMMY!!!
and my brain just doesn't wanna work anymore because it's too hot so cya
so jealous much, jealoussica?
and my brain just doesn't wanna work anymore because it's too hot so cya
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Bball Girls VS Boys
aside from lazing at home today and watching dramas... i went to julie's basketball match =]... haven't done that in a while but there were still familiar faces that i remembered.... and ow i had just burnt my pinky a few seconds ago and typing is a pain =.=....
anyway after not seeing julies team play for a while and watching them again today... i noticed that they have improved a lot more =] so congrats to them... and lol julie's jersey name is "WTFBBQ?" AHAHAHAHA how random ^-^.... anyway... while sitting on the side watching her game i was able to realise how different it is when guys are playing and when girls are playing.... to my left there was a guy's match going on... and to my right was julie's match and even more on my right were even more girl's matches.... on my left there was a whole bunch of thumping which felt like a stampede as the herd of boys ran to this side of the court....while the girls matches i couldn't feel any floor vibrations as they ran to this side of the court.... as the guys rann and stopped or turned... their shoes give off a squeek to emphasize the speed they were going at... while the girls matches only consisted of patters... the guys had many falls to the ground... and there were times when they were running too fast they couldn't stop in time and would run out of the court... one guy almost crashed into me while he was trying to stop O.O.... intense.... it was interesting watching julie and her team play basketball again =]....
anywho... after the game i drove julie and aaron to woolies because i needed to buy stuff.. it was aarons first time experiencing my driving.... julie took me around once while on my L's so she was already well aware of my driving skills =].... after that i drove to daniels to give him back the many maths textbooks he let me borrow to help julie with her maths
` thank you daniel... and sorry for late return... forgot i had them until i was cleaning my room
yehp i'm getting the hang of driving a car without someone there to instruct me... still haven't driven on my own yet though because i'm scared of the dark so i don't want to drive alone in the dark =.=
all in all had a interesting night =].... i also drew a sketch last night of how i want my walls done if i repaint them these holidays =D... i shall post a picture tomorow or something... my sketch book is in my bedroom and i'm lazy to walk there...
so jealous much, jealoussica?
anyway after not seeing julies team play for a while and watching them again today... i noticed that they have improved a lot more =] so congrats to them... and lol julie's jersey name is "WTFBBQ?" AHAHAHAHA how random ^-^.... anyway... while sitting on the side watching her game i was able to realise how different it is when guys are playing and when girls are playing.... to my left there was a guy's match going on... and to my right was julie's match and even more on my right were even more girl's matches.... on my left there was a whole bunch of thumping which felt like a stampede as the herd of boys ran to this side of the court....while the girls matches i couldn't feel any floor vibrations as they ran to this side of the court.... as the guys rann and stopped or turned... their shoes give off a squeek to emphasize the speed they were going at... while the girls matches only consisted of patters... the guys had many falls to the ground... and there were times when they were running too fast they couldn't stop in time and would run out of the court... one guy almost crashed into me while he was trying to stop O.O.... intense.... it was interesting watching julie and her team play basketball again =]....
anywho... after the game i drove julie and aaron to woolies because i needed to buy stuff.. it was aarons first time experiencing my driving.... julie took me around once while on my L's so she was already well aware of my driving skills =].... after that i drove to daniels to give him back the many maths textbooks he let me borrow to help julie with her maths
` thank you daniel... and sorry for late return... forgot i had them until i was cleaning my room
yehp i'm getting the hang of driving a car without someone there to instruct me... still haven't driven on my own yet though because i'm scared of the dark so i don't want to drive alone in the dark =.=
all in all had a interesting night =].... i also drew a sketch last night of how i want my walls done if i repaint them these holidays =D... i shall post a picture tomorow or something... my sketch book is in my bedroom and i'm lazy to walk there...
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
so i've added some photo's and captions for;
` Method Success!!! =D [has cute cute cute pictures =D]
` DESSERT TIME~! [**drooollllllllll**]
` Beach House OVER! [pretty pictures]
and for the lack of excitement to my day which just consisted of watching dramas and enrolling for uni i will treat you to these;
` Method Success!!! =D [has cute cute cute pictures =D]
` DESSERT TIME~! [**drooollllllllll**]
` Beach House OVER! [pretty pictures]
and for the lack of excitement to my day which just consisted of watching dramas and enrolling for uni i will treat you to these;
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Method Success!!! =D
Saturday night i put my piano reading method to use and succeeeded in learning Fur Elise with it ^-^... i'm so happy... though i obviously can't play up to the proper speed yet =.=... i can play smooth but slower than normal... and i still can't read the sheet as fast as other people that have had piano lessons since young age... but i'll keep at it and hopefully some day i can... i always wondered if piano players could look at the sheet and play it smoothly right out.. or are they like me and play extremely slow at first and thenn practice that one song for a while before it's smooth =S... yeah yesterday morning i practiced Fur Elise some more before derick arrived and it's getting faster and smoother ^-^ yayyyyyy
anyway yesterday was my first time driving without an adult... i went to go pick up pizza at edensor with andrea... lucky there was 3 empty consecutive parking spots.. because i don't know how to park yet and if there were 2 cars beside me i have a feeling i would have scratched the cars LOL.... after dinner i went to pick up daniel to go tiens for the horror films marathon... we watched Saw VI and The Uninvited followed by My Sister's Keeper... yehp all the movies were rather good ^-^... i had a fun night especially with the boys and their randomness =D
today in the morning i helped my mum make cake and we shared a nice conversation... looks like car rides isn't the only place where we can strike up a nice conversation... i learnt quite a bit about our family history and relatives today =] it was nice... before long it was time to go pick up andrea and head off to get our vaccinations for going to china =].... so yayyy i got to practice driving again. and this time i parked in a parking spot inbetween 2 cars... but with my mum's help.. i still can't do it on my own =.=..... the needle cost 80+ BUX!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT =.=... i've never paid so much for a needle before... my mum was shocked... we were meant to buy another medicine that we orally take as well... but that medicine summed with the vaccine for 3 people added up to almost 400 bux and she did not have enough money so we just got the vaccine for now... =.= damn you travel bugs!!! i think the cost of the vaccine hurt way more than the needle... couldn't even feel the needle even though it was quite big.. i couldn't stop staring at it LOL!
anyway after i got my vaccine i drove to tien's to go IKEA along with daniel and darren =D... it was my first time setting foot to ikea so it was rather exciting ^-^.... when i got there i was shocked at how smalll it was!!! LOL kidding... ITS FREAKING HUGEEEEEEEEEE!!!! everything in there was so cool... and the shopping strategy in ikea was so different to any other shop i've been to... i mean it's the only store i've been to where there's little [yet big] rooms all decorated nicely as if you were in someone's house... then each seperate item you like would be noted down on a pamphlet and pencil which is provided for you in which you then go downstairs to collect the items you want... i really like the layout of ikea.. it really helps people visualise how they could use their items to spice up their rooms =D... also tried their 1 dollar hotdog which is completely worth it... it was yummy for someone who is starving [obviously there's yummier food but it's completely worth the 1 dollar].. all in all i ended up spending 58 bux at ikea =].... i'll post pictures up tomorow while i update the rest of my blog with pictures

tien being a chinaman on the way to ikea

i bought this thinking it was a cool photoframe because the pictures are embedded a few cm in the frame only to find out i can't take the backing off to change photos... i asked my dad if it was possible and he thinks it might be... just gotta remove the staples at the back but i'm scared removing the staples will just wreck it =.=

my soon to be new night light once i buy a light bulb and get my dad to drill it into my wall =]... [in hope that he does]

colourful new bowls for ice cream =]

clear bowl for when i start making fruit salad for the summer =D can't wait... gotta go stock up on plain vanilla ice creammm


ice cream scented candles

pretty lantern which emitts a beautifully sweet scent ^-^

and a handy roller to pick up panda's hair for julie
after ikea we headed to daniels house to play with dinner's adorable puppies =D [pictures tomorow] and then we ended up eating the bbq that his family was having yum yum yum lucky boy... i wish my family chucked random bbq's with that spit roast stuff... we then played some card game which was similar to uno with daniel's daddy and called it a night around 12... now here i am updating my blog... and that puts the end to my day... WOOOOOOO 2 drama eps awaits me so off i gooooooo =D
dinner's puppies before beach house;

69ing pups [they went to that position on their own]

my favourite picture.... now they have opened eyes =]

darren's attempt of creating a doggy "LOL-train"

tien facing his fears LOL
so jealous much, jealoussica?
anyway yesterday was my first time driving without an adult... i went to go pick up pizza at edensor with andrea... lucky there was 3 empty consecutive parking spots.. because i don't know how to park yet and if there were 2 cars beside me i have a feeling i would have scratched the cars LOL.... after dinner i went to pick up daniel to go tiens for the horror films marathon... we watched Saw VI and The Uninvited followed by My Sister's Keeper... yehp all the movies were rather good ^-^... i had a fun night especially with the boys and their randomness =D
today in the morning i helped my mum make cake and we shared a nice conversation... looks like car rides isn't the only place where we can strike up a nice conversation... i learnt quite a bit about our family history and relatives today =] it was nice... before long it was time to go pick up andrea and head off to get our vaccinations for going to china =].... so yayyy i got to practice driving again. and this time i parked in a parking spot inbetween 2 cars... but with my mum's help.. i still can't do it on my own =.=..... the needle cost 80+ BUX!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT =.=... i've never paid so much for a needle before... my mum was shocked... we were meant to buy another medicine that we orally take as well... but that medicine summed with the vaccine for 3 people added up to almost 400 bux and she did not have enough money so we just got the vaccine for now... =.= damn you travel bugs!!! i think the cost of the vaccine hurt way more than the needle... couldn't even feel the needle even though it was quite big.. i couldn't stop staring at it LOL!
anyway after i got my vaccine i drove to tien's to go IKEA along with daniel and darren =D... it was my first time setting foot to ikea so it was rather exciting ^-^.... when i got there i was shocked at how smalll it was!!! LOL kidding... ITS FREAKING HUGEEEEEEEEEE!!!! everything in there was so cool... and the shopping strategy in ikea was so different to any other shop i've been to... i mean it's the only store i've been to where there's little [yet big] rooms all decorated nicely as if you were in someone's house... then each seperate item you like would be noted down on a pamphlet and pencil which is provided for you in which you then go downstairs to collect the items you want... i really like the layout of ikea.. it really helps people visualise how they could use their items to spice up their rooms =D... also tried their 1 dollar hotdog which is completely worth it... it was yummy for someone who is starving [obviously there's yummier food but it's completely worth the 1 dollar].. all in all i ended up spending 58 bux at ikea =].... i'll post pictures up tomorow while i update the rest of my blog with pictures

tien being a chinaman on the way to ikea
AND here's what i bought ^-^;

i bought this thinking it was a cool photoframe because the pictures are embedded a few cm in the frame only to find out i can't take the backing off to change photos... i asked my dad if it was possible and he thinks it might be... just gotta remove the staples at the back but i'm scared removing the staples will just wreck it =.=

my soon to be new night light once i buy a light bulb and get my dad to drill it into my wall =]... [in hope that he does]

colourful new bowls for ice cream =]

clear bowl for when i start making fruit salad for the summer =D can't wait... gotta go stock up on plain vanilla ice creammm


ice cream scented candles

pretty lantern which emitts a beautifully sweet scent ^-^

and a handy roller to pick up panda's hair for julie
after ikea we headed to daniels house to play with dinner's adorable puppies =D [pictures tomorow] and then we ended up eating the bbq that his family was having yum yum yum lucky boy... i wish my family chucked random bbq's with that spit roast stuff... we then played some card game which was similar to uno with daniel's daddy and called it a night around 12... now here i am updating my blog... and that puts the end to my day... WOOOOOOO 2 drama eps awaits me so off i gooooooo =D
dinner's puppies before beach house;

69ing pups [they went to that position on their own]
dinner's puppies now;

my favourite picture.... now they have opened eyes =]

darren's attempt of creating a doggy "LOL-train"

tien facing his fears LOL
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The One With Her P's Licence!
i had a nice lady testing me... and as usual... when i'm nervous i talk a lot more than usual... so i had a very nice conversation with her while being tested... i told her about what i've been up to these holidays and what i plan to do in the future.. and about uni... and she told me about how she was a divorced single mum of one son... she told me she's 29 and her son is currently 5 who loves his tv.. and she told me about how she's had a few relationships with some men after the divorce that she's unsure of... and how her son told her "it's okay mummy... you don't need boyfriends =]... you have me"... i thought that was adorable... yehp i wish i have a son like that in the future ^-^
she also told me that she's never experienced a car crash while testing someone... though her sister who works in the liverpool branch rta has =]... all in all it was a relaxing test... talking to my examiner made it feel like a normal drive and all the head checks just came to me ^-^
they're also changing the rules...; as of monday you can no longer smile in your driver's licence =O... so i smiled a big smile for my drivers licence since i had the chance that others will miss... i ended up looking like a chubby kid with a big nose and swollen looking eyes... but i love it anyway because those getting their P's starting monday will look sad/depressed/evil/mean/stoned orrrr if they're photogenic they'll look normal ROFL...
on the way back home my instructor drove... i notice while i'm driving i don't notice anything interesting around me but the road... so once again a passenger i noticed there was a car with "i s2 cock" written in the dust of the rear infront of us... and there was also a group of bikies that rode pass.. made me think... damn aren't they hot under all that clothing + beard + helmet + bandana + the sun... i was hot as when i was driving without the aircon on... the instructor then went to pick up some girl that was learning how to drive... as i experienced her driving it made me wonder if i use to drive like that o.o................ but oh well i know i can drive properly now and thats all that matters ^-^
i am now starving for some food but i can't find anything that tickles my fancy in the kitchen =(
anyway.... i think i'll go practice some more piano or tidy up my rooms after i rummage for a nibble.
so jealous much, jealoussica?
i had a nice lady testing me... and as usual... when i'm nervous i talk a lot more than usual... so i had a very nice conversation with her while being tested... i told her about what i've been up to these holidays and what i plan to do in the future.. and about uni... and she told me about how she was a divorced single mum of one son... she told me she's 29 and her son is currently 5 who loves his tv.. and she told me about how she's had a few relationships with some men after the divorce that she's unsure of... and how her son told her "it's okay mummy... you don't need boyfriends =]... you have me"... i thought that was adorable... yehp i wish i have a son like that in the future ^-^
she also told me that she's never experienced a car crash while testing someone... though her sister who works in the liverpool branch rta has =]... all in all it was a relaxing test... talking to my examiner made it feel like a normal drive and all the head checks just came to me ^-^
they're also changing the rules...; as of monday you can no longer smile in your driver's licence =O... so i smiled a big smile for my drivers licence since i had the chance that others will miss... i ended up looking like a chubby kid with a big nose and swollen looking eyes... but i love it anyway because those getting their P's starting monday will look sad/depressed/evil/mean/stoned orrrr if they're photogenic they'll look normal ROFL...
on the way back home my instructor drove... i notice while i'm driving i don't notice anything interesting around me but the road... so once again a passenger i noticed there was a car with "i s2 cock" written in the dust of the rear infront of us... and there was also a group of bikies that rode pass.. made me think... damn aren't they hot under all that clothing + beard + helmet + bandana + the sun... i was hot as when i was driving without the aircon on... the instructor then went to pick up some girl that was learning how to drive... as i experienced her driving it made me wonder if i use to drive like that o.o................ but oh well i know i can drive properly now and thats all that matters ^-^
i am now starving for some food but i can't find anything that tickles my fancy in the kitchen =(
anyway.... i think i'll go practice some more piano or tidy up my rooms after i rummage for a nibble.
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Friday, December 11, 2009
Keyboard VS Piano?... PIANO!!!
today i woke up with nothing to do......................................................
and so after eating breakfast i watched my sister's keeper again. only this time on the big tv and not my computer. and this time all in one go without any pausing in the middle... and this time i shed another tear... yehp yehp i'm surprised myself... i mean yes i shed a tear the first time watching it in the movies.. but didn't expect myself to shed a tear the third time around...
either it's because;
a) i'm losing my touch
b) it's a really good and sad movie
c) both a and b
well in my opinion; YES... it's a terrific movie... exploring death... family issues... support... decisions... sacrifice........ basically explores life.... and for the record... i'm still not sick of watching it =D
i then got started on trying to learn how to read piano notes... so far i'm a full time newbie and still take ages to figure out which note corresponds to which key... haven't figured out a way to help me remember it yet... it's extremely confusing because the treble clef and bass clef notes represent different letters... i wish they kept it the same so that i just have to remember "FACE" and "Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit"... but noooo thats only for the treble clef... the base cleff consists of "All Cows Eat Grass" and "Great Big Ducks Fly Away" =.= yeah i don't think i'm gonna be able to remember all this and be able to know straight away what the note represents without reciting these phrases... and even if i could read the piano notes... i'm still having trouble remembering straight away which key on the keyboard is which letter... like i can remember that c is before 2 black keys.... but then i have to run the alphabet through my head for the rest... o.O is it just me or did i make no sense =.=.... anyway... i'm gonna try a different approach the next time i attempt to learn because i don't think the method they teach online really suits me... =.= never really liked letters [it reminds me of english] so i'm gonna try a mathematical approach which i've run through my head but is hard to explain in words so i'll refrain from doing so... i shall update on the success/failure of this new method once i've tested it out =]... i like how when i'm playing on the keyboard time just flies... but i hate how the keyboard doesn't have the same effects a piano gives off... as i was attempting to play Jay Chou - An Jing today the left hand needed to be quieter but the keyboard fails to give that effect =(... not to mention the keyboard doesn't hold as many keys as a piano and makes it a fail when i try to play J.S.Bach - Air on the G String... i really want a piano... =.=
also had an hours lesson of driving today... and will be having a 2 hours lesson at ingleburn tomorow morning before the test.. my test is at 10.45 so that means i gotta be up by 8 for an 8.30 lesson =.=.... i must say i'm getting kinda nervous... i don't wanna fail as it's a waste of time and money and i'd have to wait extra long before i can re-sit the test =(... ah well the big drumroll awaits tomorow and hopefully the verdict is a PASS!!!
so jealous much, jealoussica?
and so after eating breakfast i watched my sister's keeper again. only this time on the big tv and not my computer. and this time all in one go without any pausing in the middle... and this time i shed another tear... yehp yehp i'm surprised myself... i mean yes i shed a tear the first time watching it in the movies.. but didn't expect myself to shed a tear the third time around...
either it's because;
a) i'm losing my touch
b) it's a really good and sad movie
c) both a and b
well in my opinion; YES... it's a terrific movie... exploring death... family issues... support... decisions... sacrifice........ basically explores life.... and for the record... i'm still not sick of watching it =D
i then got started on trying to learn how to read piano notes... so far i'm a full time newbie and still take ages to figure out which note corresponds to which key... haven't figured out a way to help me remember it yet... it's extremely confusing because the treble clef and bass clef notes represent different letters... i wish they kept it the same so that i just have to remember "FACE" and "Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit"... but noooo thats only for the treble clef... the base cleff consists of "All Cows Eat Grass" and "Great Big Ducks Fly Away" =.= yeah i don't think i'm gonna be able to remember all this and be able to know straight away what the note represents without reciting these phrases... and even if i could read the piano notes... i'm still having trouble remembering straight away which key on the keyboard is which letter... like i can remember that c is before 2 black keys.... but then i have to run the alphabet through my head for the rest... o.O is it just me or did i make no sense =.=.... anyway... i'm gonna try a different approach the next time i attempt to learn because i don't think the method they teach online really suits me... =.= never really liked letters [it reminds me of english] so i'm gonna try a mathematical approach which i've run through my head but is hard to explain in words so i'll refrain from doing so... i shall update on the success/failure of this new method once i've tested it out =]... i like how when i'm playing on the keyboard time just flies... but i hate how the keyboard doesn't have the same effects a piano gives off... as i was attempting to play Jay Chou - An Jing today the left hand needed to be quieter but the keyboard fails to give that effect =(... not to mention the keyboard doesn't hold as many keys as a piano and makes it a fail when i try to play J.S.Bach - Air on the G String... i really want a piano... =.=
also had an hours lesson of driving today... and will be having a 2 hours lesson at ingleburn tomorow morning before the test.. my test is at 10.45 so that means i gotta be up by 8 for an 8.30 lesson =.=.... i must say i'm getting kinda nervous... i don't wanna fail as it's a waste of time and money and i'd have to wait extra long before i can re-sit the test =(... ah well the big drumroll awaits tomorow and hopefully the verdict is a PASS!!!
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Hot to Roll~
today melinda came over to get ready for her formal =]... the little girl is growing up indeed... i did take photos of her which i'll upload when i'm uncapped... she was looking hot and getting ready to make the boys drool ;)!!! i find it amazing what a dress... a bit of make up.. and some accessories can do =]... she looked amazing... i should have taken a before transformation shot too.. but i forgot =.=
other than that my day consisted of sleeping... practicing more driving.. and eating
i also just finish watching my sister's keeper for the second time of my life.. still not sick of the movie just yet... don't think i'd get sick of it no matter how many times i watch it
` thanks to julie for bringing it for me
so jealous much, jealoussica?
other than that my day consisted of sleeping... practicing more driving.. and eating
i also just finish watching my sister's keeper for the second time of my life.. still not sick of the movie just yet... don't think i'd get sick of it no matter how many times i watch it
` thanks to julie for bringing it for me
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
jess fung came over in the morning and we made desserts =D... the desserts consisted of creme brule... triple choc temptation cake... and white chocolate mousse... our creme brule tasted like ice cream... the mousse is still either setting or not going to harden at all... and the triple choc temptation cake was a SUCCESS!!! =D yeah the cake was really really delicious... and the "ice cream" was yummy too.. it just tasted like vanilla ice cream... attempted to make toffee twice to put on the "ice cream" but failed.. the first one didn't harden.. and the second tasted like burnt caramel... jess fung liked the burnt caramel... elton could tell it was burnt straight away though =.= just from tasting it..
[will upload pics when uncapped]
the creme brule's [ice cream];

toffee attempt one

FAILED... [didn't harden]

toffee attempt two with no water this time

ended up with burnt caramel pieces but at least it hardened this time =.=
after that we went to bellissimo's for a bye bye dinner for jenny... the woodfired pizza was soooo delishhhh **drools**... and the pasta **licks lips**... even the salad was yummy ^-^... it was very cheap too... a 10 dollar extremely filling and mouthwatering, laugh-filled dinner =]
` have fun overseas jenny =D
elton showed me this very adorable clip that made me smile in aw ^-^
` thanks elton
anyway i shall brush my teeth... gonna get out of my habit of not brushing at nights... i'm getting stained teeth =(
so jealous much, jealoussica?
[will upload pics when uncapped]
the creme brule's [ice cream];

toffee attempt one

FAILED... [didn't harden]

toffee attempt two with no water this time

ended up with burnt caramel pieces but at least it hardened this time =.=
my adorable wifey trying to chop the crunchie thinly =]... so cute

whipped cream

whipped cream + crunchie


melting choc into the cream

gelatine + egg yolk + mudshake vodka

LOL at the shocked face

ended up as a fail! =.=
other than that we just lazed about on my bed having nice chats =]
whipped cream

whipped cream + crunchie


melting choc into the cream

gelatine + egg yolk + mudshake vodka

LOL at the shocked face

ended up as a fail! =.=
after that we went to bellissimo's for a bye bye dinner for jenny... the woodfired pizza was soooo delishhhh **drools**... and the pasta **licks lips**... even the salad was yummy ^-^... it was very cheap too... a 10 dollar extremely filling and mouthwatering, laugh-filled dinner =]
` have fun overseas jenny =D
elton showed me this very adorable clip that made me smile in aw ^-^
` thanks elton
anyway i shall brush my teeth... gonna get out of my habit of not brushing at nights... i'm getting stained teeth =(
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
last night was soooo hot i could not fall asleep.. and today i got up bright an early at 5 to head off to the ladakh sale =]... it was the first time for me and dilini... quite interesting really... it got really stuffy and i was amazed at how much stuff ended up on the floors... there was a HUGE mountain in one corner which belonged to three girls... their legs were basically buried in the clothes they grabbed... i followed jenny's advice and just grabbed stuff without bothering to look at it and ended up with 6 items that i liked =D... ALL 15 BUX EACH!!! uhuh... the pretty much no sleep was completely worth it =]... oh and theres like 2 items i bought which i'm not sure if they are a top or dress LOL =S
after that i trained it back to cabramatta for a two hour driving lesson in ingleburn to prepare for my test on saturday... i think i still need more practice in the ingleburn area.... but my instructor says i'll just have a one hour lesson on friday at 6 in our area =.=... half feel like i'm gonna fail... hope not... i always forget some head checks and i'm not confident with reverse parking yet and i forget to signal left as i exit a big roundabout... and forget to stop completely at stop signs before doing head checks.. and i forget to look both ways at pedestrian crossings and traffic lights =.= because i just use my peripheral vision... ah well... we'll just have to wait until saturday for the verdict.
when i got home i ate and flopped dead on my bed for 2 hours... then ate again.. showered and went to melinda's to pick up a movie and her formal wear so she can just come straight after school on thursday... yehp its that time of the year and the year 10's are having their formal on thursday =D
then i toddled to tiens to grab beach house photos that i accidentally deleted =.=... yeah kinda rotated the pictures and when i was viewing them on my camera there were "file errors" that i deleted... then i realised it was "file error" because it was a rotated picture ROFLMAO
oh and i'm thinking of getting braces... my bottom row of teeth are pissing the shites outta me... so i shall see what happens... =.= should have got it during highschool... don't think i really know anyone in uni with braces =S
anywayyy cooking tomorow =D
so jealous much, jealoussica?
after that i trained it back to cabramatta for a two hour driving lesson in ingleburn to prepare for my test on saturday... i think i still need more practice in the ingleburn area.... but my instructor says i'll just have a one hour lesson on friday at 6 in our area =.=... half feel like i'm gonna fail... hope not... i always forget some head checks and i'm not confident with reverse parking yet and i forget to signal left as i exit a big roundabout... and forget to stop completely at stop signs before doing head checks.. and i forget to look both ways at pedestrian crossings and traffic lights =.= because i just use my peripheral vision... ah well... we'll just have to wait until saturday for the verdict.
when i got home i ate and flopped dead on my bed for 2 hours... then ate again.. showered and went to melinda's to pick up a movie and her formal wear so she can just come straight after school on thursday... yehp its that time of the year and the year 10's are having their formal on thursday =D
then i toddled to tiens to grab beach house photos that i accidentally deleted =.=... yeah kinda rotated the pictures and when i was viewing them on my camera there were "file errors" that i deleted... then i realised it was "file error" because it was a rotated picture ROFLMAO
oh and i'm thinking of getting braces... my bottom row of teeth are pissing the shites outta me... so i shall see what happens... =.= should have got it during highschool... don't think i really know anyone in uni with braces =S
anywayyy cooking tomorow =D
so jealous much, jealoussica?
I hope you are having an awesome time overseas!!! make sure to spoil yourself today...
heres something for you... one of my first sketches of the holiday =]
Sunday, December 6, 2009
La Di Da
i told my mum about my growing wisdom tooth and figured i should go get it checked out since she doesn't have work tomorow... but she says that i don't need to if its growing out on its own so i guess i'll just leave it and not get it checked out =S.
i think i'll get my mum to take me driving tomorow so that i can get some practice... especially with reverse parking and stuff since my P's test is going to be in 6 days and counting. hope i pass so i can drive around when i need to go somewhere... so much more convenient than asking andrea or catching public transport =]
anyway... me and jess fung are gonna cook on wednesday... i'm gonna try and make a souffle and mousse =D how exciting
also got a charcoal deep cleansing mask which is black and you just apply then peel off... looks scary when you put it on but works well. =]
also manage to get the D wam i was aiming for ^-^.. the sleepless nights cramming paid off
omg theres so much stuff i keep forgetting to do;
` return three dads and one mum
` return jenny's dress and box
` buy 5 bday presents
` call driving instructor
tonight i'm gonna start sketching again =] the goodies of being capped with nothing to do.
so jealous much, jealoussica?
i think i'll get my mum to take me driving tomorow so that i can get some practice... especially with reverse parking and stuff since my P's test is going to be in 6 days and counting. hope i pass so i can drive around when i need to go somewhere... so much more convenient than asking andrea or catching public transport =]
anyway... me and jess fung are gonna cook on wednesday... i'm gonna try and make a souffle and mousse =D how exciting
also got a charcoal deep cleansing mask which is black and you just apply then peel off... looks scary when you put it on but works well. =]
also manage to get the D wam i was aiming for ^-^.. the sleepless nights cramming paid off
omg theres so much stuff i keep forgetting to do;
` return three dads and one mum
` return jenny's dress and box
` buy 5 bday presents
` call driving instructor
tonight i'm gonna start sketching again =] the goodies of being capped with nothing to do.
so jealous much, jealoussica?
Friday, December 4, 2009
Beach house OVER!
here be some updates since i left for beach house up till now;
beach house day 1
we set off to beach house around 10 something. check in wasn't until around 3 so we went to stanwell beach first to play =D...the weather behaved and gave us the perfect start to a beach house holiday... when we finally got to the house it was rather exciting we were mucking around baggsing rooms in which the boys tried to fight us girls for the master bedroom.. they then showed off their skill in opening the balcony which i failed to open... SO I LOCKED THEM OUT ROFLMAO!!! =]... the first day consisted of familiarising ourselves with the place... unpacking... and heading to the beach down the road as the sun was setting.
the night was filled with dancing... jumping... drinking... eating.. drama
[will upload photos when i'm uncapped =.=]
beach house day 2
woke up around 5... hieu went to watch the sunrise and me vee and vanessa followed shortly... we missed the sunrise but it was still beautiful nonetheless with the sun rays shining through the clouds... it rained in the morning/arvo so most of us stayed in... hieu and george also found an X-man spider which was accomodating with us...
at night i helped prepare and cook chicken for dinner..
the extremely early rays of sun;
beach house day 3
it rained again in the morn so we watched the exorcist until the weather cleared. when the sun finally revealled itself we head down to the beach... it was so windy that when the sand blew it felt like needle pricks... i managed to experiment with my camera and put the camera tips jessica sent me to use and got some pretty pictures anyway ^-^... the house didn't have an aircon... however it did have a fireplace... it was so cold so the fireplace came in handy ^-^...
at night derick and andrew got a makeover.. we had pizza and some more funny drama...
beach house day 4
today i swam in the beach... it was cold but very fun ^-^... though i wish i brought my camera down to the beach to capture some funny moments =.= except i couldn't be bothered because i was swimming... it was the last day of our stay today... the boys reinacted parts of new moon with the wolf pack.. or as they like to call themselves the "cobra pack" with tien being bella... we had bbq and watched paranormal activities at night...
beach house day 5
the last day of our beach house holiday and so that meant checking out at 11... we then went to stanwell beach again before heading of to el jannah for some yummy charcoal chicken... man that was hella filling. got home around 8... then i showered and went to jenny's house to help with some cooking and catch up time =]
what we ate at el jannah;

yummy yummy chicken... plate before

plate after.... why does my plate look so dirty compared to maggies =.= LOL
beach house:
` made my legs more toned from the water and stairs
` made me save water when showering
` taught me how to be cleaner
` taught me how to cook
` gave me lots of laughs
` made me darker =.=
` was relaxing
` was heaps of fun
` was a very good experience
December 4th
a very special day that was JENNY'S BDAY!!!
=] love you jenny.... i missed you lots at beach house =( xoxo
so yes i haven't posted since before going beach house because i've pretty much not been home until today.. and yesterday and day before i did not come home till late...
today i had a driving lesson and my instructor has booked me in for my P's test to be next saturday... wish me luck for a not fail >.<
so jealous much, jealoussica?
beach house day 1
we set off to beach house around 10 something. check in wasn't until around 3 so we went to stanwell beach first to play =D...the weather behaved and gave us the perfect start to a beach house holiday... when we finally got to the house it was rather exciting we were mucking around baggsing rooms in which the boys tried to fight us girls for the master bedroom.. they then showed off their skill in opening the balcony which i failed to open... SO I LOCKED THEM OUT ROFLMAO!!! =]... the first day consisted of familiarising ourselves with the place... unpacking... and heading to the beach down the road as the sun was setting.
the night was filled with dancing... jumping... drinking... eating.. drama
[will upload photos when i'm uncapped =.=]
beach house day 2
woke up around 5... hieu went to watch the sunrise and me vee and vanessa followed shortly... we missed the sunrise but it was still beautiful nonetheless with the sun rays shining through the clouds... it rained in the morning/arvo so most of us stayed in... hieu and george also found an X-man spider which was accomodating with us...
at night i helped prepare and cook chicken for dinner..
the extremely early rays of sun;
beach house day 3
it rained again in the morn so we watched the exorcist until the weather cleared. when the sun finally revealled itself we head down to the beach... it was so windy that when the sand blew it felt like needle pricks... i managed to experiment with my camera and put the camera tips jessica sent me to use and got some pretty pictures anyway ^-^... the house didn't have an aircon... however it did have a fireplace... it was so cold so the fireplace came in handy ^-^...
at night derick and andrew got a makeover.. we had pizza and some more funny drama...
beach house day 4
today i swam in the beach... it was cold but very fun ^-^... though i wish i brought my camera down to the beach to capture some funny moments =.= except i couldn't be bothered because i was swimming... it was the last day of our stay today... the boys reinacted parts of new moon with the wolf pack.. or as they like to call themselves the "cobra pack" with tien being bella... we had bbq and watched paranormal activities at night...
beach house day 5
the last day of our beach house holiday and so that meant checking out at 11... we then went to stanwell beach again before heading of to el jannah for some yummy charcoal chicken... man that was hella filling. got home around 8... then i showered and went to jenny's house to help with some cooking and catch up time =]
what we ate at el jannah;

yummy yummy chicken... plate before

plate after.... why does my plate look so dirty compared to maggies =.= LOL
beach house:
` made my legs more toned from the water and stairs
` made me save water when showering
` taught me how to be cleaner
` taught me how to cook
` gave me lots of laughs
` made me darker =.=
` was relaxing
` was heaps of fun
` was a very good experience
December 4th
a very special day that was JENNY'S BDAY!!!
happy bday to JENNYYYYY~~!!!
**party poppers**
and i hope she had a very fun day =D... i woke up early to go tiens to enroll for uni only to find out that engineering isn't till the 15th for enrollments... so i went home to shower and then went over to jenny's**FIREWORKS**
=] love you jenny.... i missed you lots at beach house =( xoxo
so yes i haven't posted since before going beach house because i've pretty much not been home until today.. and yesterday and day before i did not come home till late...
today i had a driving lesson and my instructor has booked me in for my P's test to be next saturday... wish me luck for a not fail >.<
so jealous much, jealoussica?
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