5 bruises... 3 on my legs... 2 on my back... with this being my worst [and am currently icing]...
some scratches...
some stuff that i got no idea what they were o.O...
and some blisters...
BUT it was ALLLLLL WORTH IT!!! =D had so much fun i didn't even realise the hotness until it was the end of our round and we had to get off =(...
we then went to cooks hill... it was my second time there and man i still love their salad dressing... i wonder how they make it =S
shortly after we decided to go to the pools... so me who still hasn't gotten swimwear just swam in my normal clothes LOL =]... so yehp that was nice for a hot day such as today... also went into the sauna they had there and someone put something in the rocks that smelled like TIC TACSSSSSS!!!!!!!! IT WAS SO YUMMY SMELLING lol =]
oh and this issss one of the resaons i take pictures... [so i remember what happens throughout the day... otherwise i forget... AND WHOOOOO WOULD WANNA FORGET THISSS?!?!]

LOL tien's lovely pink pillow cases =D good on ya tien ^-^
also he warned us not to look under his bed... LOL i guess thank you is in order? =S
after we got home i showered and maggie came over to let me try on a dress ^-^ in which could have been perfect for my cousins ballroom bday if only my boobs were bigger =(...
` thanks maggie for bringing the dress over for me to try ^-^
anyway my "airplane strip flat boobs" aside [common saying for flat chested girls in the dramas i watch ROFL] i had a fun fun few hours of chatting with maggie on my bed ;) [with minimal clothing on because of the heat ;D]
`thanks again =]
so jealous much, jealoussica?
` thanks maggie for bringing the dress over for me to try ^-^
anyway my "airplane strip flat boobs" aside [common saying for flat chested girls in the dramas i watch ROFL] i had a fun fun few hours of chatting with maggie on my bed ;) [with minimal clothing on because of the heat ;D]
`thanks again =]
so jealous much, jealoussica?
tellings ya brother, SEXY BODY ;)
ReplyDeleteP.S Derick looks a bit too happy holding Tien's pillow...mayb eyou know....relations or something like that. HAHAHAHA