went to parra with jess fung today =D... we ate at max brenners... well more like drank... i love their hug mugs too bad they were like 22 bux =.=... i had toffee white hot chocolate yummmmyyy **drools**... so we sat there for a while chatting away before going shopping...
as we entered the shops there were some interesting wormss!!!:

lady playing with worms

worm kissing man

me playing with worm
the worm somehow follows your movements =S... i did not figure out how... it was so amazing though
trying to save i bought a $10 top... a $10 pair of sunnies and a $10 travel diary =]...

i love this style of envelope... i remember getting something from ebay in it and i was =O
gonna use this at beach house and china =]

` thank you wifey for getting me this... i will put it to good use =D

we visited the pet shop =( too bad parra didn't have any ragdoll cats unlike livo... but it's okay... these kittys were cute too =]...

my hot superwoman wife ;)

supernerd!!! apparently its got UV protection =S

we saw blowflies!!!

our legs got tired and so we ate ice cream ^-^... uhuh uhuh i tried the sushi ice cream today

also tried this strawberry white chocolate from 85 degrees celcius bakery =D... it was delish and smoothhh...

and saw this in the toilets =S... how many wrinkles do you have? i got 3 of them ROFL
when i got home i watched some tv.. showered... and watched pirates of the carribean =]... had quite a lot of fun today... and my legs also feel musclier =.=
so jealous much, jealoussica?
so jealous much, jealoussica?
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