so anyway... today [technically yesterday] woke up early and guess where i went~!!!!!! YUMCHAAAAAAAAAA **drools** haven't had it in ages i was craving badddddd LOL... heres some delicious pictures [click to enlarge];

julie was trying to save the sauce they give you with ha chung

julie mixing sauce

forgot to take a picture =.=

julie being a fag telling everyone to take the food before i could take a picture =.=

JULIE DID IT!!!!!! [i did it =.=]

we then went to julies house and bummed around for a bit.. and played with panda... =D this time i didn't forget to take a picture of how big she's grown ^-^... such a hypo little dog... julies been feeding her drugs... tsk tsk... it took me a while to get a good picture but lookey here;
oh and i remembered the night before while we were studying... daniel showed us a little korean prodigy named sungha jung =D he's amazing!!!!!!!! good on daniel for being a gay pedo XP [kidding]
` thanks for sharing his talent is what i was meant to say LOL
do watch this and more;
when i got home i downloaded some more dramas which i haven't watched yet [plan on watching in my breaks tomorow] and i downloaded some of sungha jung's recordings and put them on shuffle repeat =]
then i saw the Madame Flavour english breakfast tea sitting on my table =D
so i couldn't wait to try it~!!!!!!!

` thanks for sharing his talent is what i was meant to say LOL
do watch this and more;
when i got home i downloaded some more dramas which i haven't watched yet [plan on watching in my breaks tomorow] and i downloaded some of sungha jung's recordings and put them on shuffle repeat =]
then i saw the Madame Flavour english breakfast tea sitting on my table =D
so i couldn't wait to try it~!!!!!!!

in comparison to the earl grey twist... english breakfast had a much sweeter scent ^-^ which got me even more excited!!!

notice how here the tea leaves don't even fill half the infuser pod? and then BAMMM!!! it expands and takes up all the space provided =D

out of all the Madame Flavour teas... english breakfast smelt the sweetest... when i took my first sip.. there seemed to be a hint of honey milk flavour.... yummmyyyy!!!!!
and i must say... i love the colour of the english breakfast tea most ^-^... taste-wise they were all fantastic though so far i think i like green jasmine pear or the white with rose the most... [=( only ashfield woolworths sells the white with rose and sultry chai... so i shall go in the holidays =D]
` 2 maths past papers
` 2 cven tutes
` revise? =S
anyway ... =.= spent way too much time on this post... and i just realised how long it was O.O [because of all the pictures] so CYA
so jealous much, jealoussica?
and i must say... i love the colour of the english breakfast tea most ^-^... taste-wise they were all fantastic though so far i think i like green jasmine pear or the white with rose the most... [=( only ashfield woolworths sells the white with rose and sultry chai... so i shall go in the holidays =D]
` 2 maths past papers
` 2 cven tutes
` revise? =S
anyway ... =.= spent way too much time on this post... and i just realised how long it was O.O [because of all the pictures] so CYA
so jealous much, jealoussica?
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