**drools** had the best 2 hour nap after uni today... just flopped onto my bed and fell asleep right away... which is really rare for me what with my sleeping problems =.=
and yes finally uploaded pictures after being uncapped.. =.= that was a pain
anyway haven't been posting due to being capped and study... so updates;
had my cven test...... bye bye HD...............
went to maccas with jenny and tammy =D yummmyyyyy... and bought this delish choco frappe

then went to gmat lecture and gave derick a manicure ROFL!!!

i then noticed how UFO-like the lights in our lecture theatre looked because i was lying down about to go to sleep...

other than that i don't remember much of tuesday =S ROFL.... too long ago
went to uni early as per usual and went to go exchange some shoes =]... i was tired so got myself a white hot chocolate from krispy kreme.... i love these kind of lids =D they are so fun to open ROFL!!!

so thats the updates for the past two days
julie and aaron came over tonight because aaron needed a haircut [indeed he did] and they brought me some lindt chocolate ^-^ yummmyyyyyyyy~!
` thanks julie and aaron
LOL i'll probably get killed if he see's this =.=
other than that.. YAYYYYYY i can finally watch my dramas in peace ^-^
andrea also found this youtube clip;
` http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=518XP8prwZo
its like the thing in the advertisement for some natural thing... it's amazingg!!!!! i wish i had that skill!!!! seriously watch it.... someone in the audience and a judge were brought to tears...
yay... going to watch orphan at jenny's tomorow ^-^ can't wait... too bad andrea already spoiled the ending for me =.=... nice one...
so jealous much, jealoussica?
had my cven test...... bye bye HD...............
went to maccas with jenny and tammy =D yummmyyyyy... and bought this delish choco frappe

then went to gmat lecture and gave derick a manicure ROFL!!!

i then noticed how UFO-like the lights in our lecture theatre looked because i was lying down about to go to sleep...

went to uni early as per usual and went to go exchange some shoes =]... i was tired so got myself a white hot chocolate from krispy kreme.... i love these kind of lids =D they are so fun to open ROFL!!!

it was still early and my lab didn't start till 2... so i decided to go to japan city to see if they had even more sales... =] on the way i noticed the pretty lights on the ceiling =]

they had sales on really pretty teasets... but i have to save for the holidays such as going to melbourne and beach house =(... so not going to get any of them... i guess when i'm older and richer and have a house of my own to display the teasets in i'll buy some... and i suppose i did say i'll only buy one teaset a year =/... and this year i've already bought 1 and a half >.<... then went back to uni and lazed about on the library lawn and drank tea and ate a cupcake from maggie's oxfam store =D...

yeah as we were about to head off to our lecture... saw the blue man... see if you can spot him... i took it from a distance =.= then my phone ran out of batteries when i was up close and had permission to take a picture LOL

julie and aaron came over tonight because aaron needed a haircut [indeed he did] and they brought me some lindt chocolate ^-^ yummmyyyyyyyy~!
` thanks julie and aaron
LOL i'll probably get killed if he see's this =.=
other than that.. YAYYYYYY i can finally watch my dramas in peace ^-^
andrea also found this youtube clip;
` http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=518XP8prwZo
its like the thing in the advertisement for some natural thing... it's amazingg!!!!! i wish i had that skill!!!! seriously watch it.... someone in the audience and a judge were brought to tears...
yay... going to watch orphan at jenny's tomorow ^-^ can't wait... too bad andrea already spoiled the ending for me =.=... nice one...
so jealous much, jealoussica?
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