Thursday, October 29, 2009


LOL **pat pat** i'll enlighten you on my yesterday and today thus far

so yesterday me and julie went to acer arena to collect our tickets... only acer arena was barracaded with gates that said "WARNING AUTHORISED PERSONEL ONLY" for safety issues since they were setting up for saturday we walked in anyway ROFLMAO.. we did like ninjas and jumped the fence.. however all the doors were locked and there was only people that were cleaning and setting up inside... so julie called her friend who called up someone from the show to ask where tickets can be collected

` for future references; anyone that needs to collect a ticket for acer arena event... go to the aquatic centre =S

so yes that was the first time i set foot into the aquatic centre and boy it looks cool!!!! so want to go swimming there one day =D

here is our tickets for "HULKMANIA" ROFL

i found out what these lights were for [zapping flies]

then got home did a bit of cven... then watched some stuff on youtube which made me think of you =D you should so go here when your on your exchange ^-^;

then went to daniels and spent 6 hours on 6 maths questions...
lets just say "goodbye HD" together ROFLMAO


this morning i got a surprise visit from maggie =D... she got me a present from her mummy's store ^-^;

god bless her
` thanks heaps maggie ^-^ i love it!!!

Dearest Jessica;

thank you for giving me the best tips for my chem exam... i'll be sure to HD that now ROFLMAO hilarious AHAHAHAH!!!

i think this is cute =D along with some of the other cartoons the person makes

now watch this

we can go eat omurice at that shop when we finish exams =D

now go study [too bad there's no study hero =( ];

lol and yes i have been making lots of tea and drinking every day which i must say is distracting because it smells lovely and i just stare at the leaves for ages ROFLMAO... OHHH i have a secret to tell you! drinking tea has let me lose 2 kilos!!! =O

love ya... and GOOD LUCKK STUDYING!!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Clugga... Cug-gly XD

dum di dum dum.... studying is making my eyes hurt... so i decided to watch my favourite ad =D;

i love how cute this ad is.. it makes me smile ^-^

AND THENNNN i saw this add.. it made me go awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww why can't all boys be like that... [not really... it's too corny for my liking.. but for a little kid its so adorable ^-^];


ANYWAY... nope didn't end up doing 2 more cven tute's because maths took a lot longer than i thought =.=... and tomorow have to wake up at 7.30 to go get tickets for the dog show on saturday!!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOO!!! so i'm gonna go sleep now

so jealous much, jealoussica?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


yeah i did some cven study today... did up to tute 4 =]... and now i kinda cbb so heres an update on my day ^-^

so anyway... today [technically yesterday] woke up early and guess where i went~!!!!!! YUMCHAAAAAAAAAA **drools** haven't had it in ages i was craving badddddd LOL... heres some delicious pictures [click to enlarge];

julie was trying to save the sauce they give you with ha chung

julie mixing sauce

forgot to take a picture =.=

julie being a fag telling everyone to take the food before i could take a picture =.=

JULIE DID IT!!!!!! [i did it =.=]

we then went to julies house and bummed around for a bit.. and played with panda... =D this time i didn't forget to take a picture of how big she's grown ^-^... such a hypo little dog... julies been feeding her drugs... tsk tsk... it took me a while to get a good picture but lookey here;

oh and i remembered the night before while we were studying... daniel showed us a little korean prodigy named sungha jung =D he's amazing!!!!!!!! good on daniel for being a gay pedo XP [kidding]
` thanks for sharing his talent is what i was meant to say LOL

do watch this and more;

when i got home i downloaded some more dramas which i haven't watched yet [plan on watching in my breaks tomorow] and i downloaded some of sungha jung's recordings and put them on shuffle repeat =]

then i saw the Madame Flavour english breakfast tea sitting on my table =D

so i couldn't wait to try it~!!!!!!!

in comparison to the earl grey twist... english breakfast had a much sweeter scent ^-^ which got me even more excited!!!

notice how here the tea leaves don't even fill half the infuser pod? and then BAMMM!!! it expands and takes up all the space provided =D

out of all the Madame Flavour teas... english breakfast smelt the sweetest... when i took my first sip.. there seemed to be a hint of honey milk flavour.... yummmyyyy!!!!!

and i must say... i love the colour of the english breakfast tea most ^-^... taste-wise they were all fantastic though so far i think i like green jasmine pear or the white with rose the most... [=( only ashfield woolworths sells the white with rose and sultry chai... so i shall go in the holidays =D]

` 2 maths past papers
` 2 cven tutes
` revise? =S

anyway ... =.= spent way too much time on this post... and i just realised how long it was O.O [because of all the pictures] so CYA

so jealous much, jealoussica?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Earl Grey Twist

[actually ended up posting this on the 10/27/09 at 2.40 AM but saved it as draft on the time shown at the bottom... incase theres any confusions about how this post majically appeared... didn't end up posting because i couldn't be bothered uploading pictures at the time and was watching dramas... and then went to double d's house [aka daniel duong's] for study session with the other engineering people so didn't end up posting =D... so this is what my sunday post was meant to be like]

woke up this morning and some of the zooper doopers were finally frozen... =S some were still liquid... didn't know it would take that long to solidify... oh well at least there were some already solidified so i got to eat one.... i then tried Madame Flavour's earl grey twist which i bought yesterday night along with english breakfast which i will probably try tomorow =]

when i first opened the package of the earl grey twist... i must say i didn't really like the smell of the tea leaves... they were different and not something i thought i would like much... but i said i would try every flavour so i did.... to my surprise it was actually quite niceee =D...

another interesting tea colour diffused as i poured the hot water into my clear tea cup... and it didn't smell as bad afterwards...

when i took my first sip i could taste something that i can't quite put my finger on... and it also gave off the impression that there was milk in the tea.. only there wasn't!!!... how interesting huh!?... kinda had a black tea with milk flavour.. but also something more that i can't figure out...

anyway it was yummyyyyy... and once again a tea i don't mind drinking without any sugar in it... honestly doesn't get any better than that seeing as how i'm a "diabetic" in dericks words...

i love looking at the dried tea leaves and then adding the hot water and watching them expand to fill the infuser pod ^-^... its also so cool how some water stays entrapped into the pod after you finish drinking all the tea and makes the tea leaves look extra fresh... yeah i kinda tried taking a picture of it to show but it doesn't look so clear... you kinda just gotta see it for yourselves next time i guess =]

other than that i "finished" studying algebra [minus the probability and statistics chapter which is 58 pages long and i cbb reading]... SO then i figured it was time for me to start some questions from the past papers booklet... after i treated myself to an episode of life =]

and my daddy came home with fish and chips after picking up brenden from chinese school =D YAYYYY YUMMYYY~!!!!!

so jealous much, jealoussica?


after i showered i got a pleasant surprise when an unregistered number called me and turned out to be my cousin in melbourne... we had a nice long 2 hour chat all till my mobile was burning up and seriously heating my ear [=.= crappy phone]... it was a nice chat filled with randomness ^-^ can't wait to see her and the rest of my cousins when i go melbourne on the 20th =D...

SOOOOO anyway no thank you to julie for kindly updating my facebook account which i had partially forgot existed until this very hour when she decided to confess the works of her busy fingers... she decided to change all my info into "shit" and "shitting" LOL FAGGGGG

that aside.... she came over tonight and gave me a big bag of ZOOPER DOOPERS ^-^!!!!!

i remember one night after sauna with julie and aaron i was craving them or something [PERFECT TIMING ;)]... but the woolies we went to didn't have any >.<.... but julie found some at her work place YAYYY

thanks POOF

i am now patiently waiting for them to solidify in the freezer so i can eat them =] can't waittttt!!! now i got something to nibble on while studying YUMMYYYYYY~!!!!!!!

so jealous much, jealoussica?

Saturday, October 24, 2009


since the dramas that i am currently watching are still being subbed i had run out of more episodes to watch....... that is until i remembered tim sun recommending me to watch life back in high school... i didn't end up downloading it yet until today because i was in the middle of watching other dramas at the time and then i forgot about it up until now... so now i'm watching life instead of studying =.=... damn i always remember things at the wrong times...

anyway today as i was lazing about on my computer chair talking to jessica on the phone... one of my hair strands fell out and i was just twisting it in my fingers and then it became this!!!;

DOESN'T IT LOOK LIKE I DOG?!?!?!?... LOL it even has its own collar... yes i thought i was quite the genius in accidental art =D... aint it cool ^-^

anyway... i shall get back to watching life and then maybe do some algebra after dinner and showering and going woolies or something =S

so jealous much jealoussica?

Friday, October 23, 2009


o.O whoaaaaa what are the odds in that one episode of drama i watched.. the girl was teaching a guy probability... =D taught me a tiny portion of algebra too...

Qiao Qi [Pretty girl]: "A coin has two sides, the probability of it being heads or tails is 1/2. If you throw it 4 times, the probability of getting 2 heads is 4C2 times squaring the 1/2 from before. Understand?"
Me: "Yes i do" **blushes at her prettiness** ROFLMAO..

yes if only i had a pretty girl to teach me all of algebra... then i wont have to read those billions of boring pages...

aint dramas just so helpful... =.= yeah reminded me about algebra and how i have still yet to study probability... so i suppose i should start


Filled with Mangoes

LOL =.= hmmmmmmmmm.... yesssssss i ended up skiming through chapter 4 of calculus today... then i watched some dramas... all till now =.=... cbb studying algebra yet... maybe after another episode...

i downloaded a new drama called akai ito and started downloading the rest of this other drama called i want to become a hard persimmon which i had put off because the subbers stopped subbing it for a while... =] it has the cute girl from black and white in it and a pretty girl... and a very very handsome boy ROFL his personality in the drama is 100% my type ROFLMAO

damn i knew i shouldn't start watching dramas because once i start i can't stop =.=... oh well just one more episode and then i'll try start algebra... i'll just make sure i don't download any other episodes for now...

tomorow gotta go woolies to buy more essentials because i'm running out... this means i can also go buy the rest of Madame Flavour's tea ^-^... =.= gotta try stop myself from buying chocolate >.<

other than that... MANGOES ARE OUT... =] my dad bought some and cut some after dinner today... i can't wait for the mangoes from my mango tree to grow... the mangoes grown from the tree taste better than the ones from the shops... its a lot sweeter when it comes from the tree ^-^ thats the only part of summer i like [having mangoes grow on my mango tree]...

so jealous much, jealoussica?


bleh... no i didn't end up studying chapter 4 because the monstrous migraines which i haven't had in a while decided to act up again last night... =.= so i went to bed at 10.30ish instead of starting on chapter 4... it's probably because i was studying calculus that made the migraine come =.=... that or because i had my computer's brightness on 20% for 30 minutes instead of 0% =.=...

wasn't going to go to uni because when i woke up.. yes migrain was gone... but the back of my head killed... that is when i moved my head anyway... and the nausea remained... so yes i lay in bed contemplating whether i should go to my algebra tute.... i then remembered that i had wanted to buy the Madame Flavour green jasmine pear tea so up i got and headed off to uni...

then yes i went to purchase this nicely packetted tea =D

the packaging makes me feel moreeeee.... royal? high class? like i have etiquette? no idea what i'm trying to construct.... but yes the packaging is so pretty ^-^... it's worth every cent

i'm going to collect each and every flavour with their each and every story behind it =]

thought i'd take a better picture of Madame Flavour's unique infuser pod

aint it just so cool how the teacup magnifies what's inside?

oh and i know its hard to believe... BUT NO SUGAR =D the tea is so yummy i don't actually put any sugar whatsoever in it... it tastes perfect the way it is ^-^.. AMAZING

` i plan on buying every flavour ^-^...

so after i treated myself to some beautiful tea... i figured i should finish my materials lab which took about 3 hours =.= because i was lagging on spreadsheet and massaging my head in the process because i'd forget my head hurt and then move it abruptly then OWWW **teary rage rage** =.=...

then i went to my room to soothe my eyes with the dimness of my night-light and tried to nap... ended up not being able to nap so i went to shower and ended up browsing the web for jobs because i couldn't be bothered concentrating on study =.=... and no i haven't really found any i'm interested in... except for one =.=... all those hours of searching and i find one >.<... i guess one is better than none

oh well tomorow i plan on covering all of chapter 4 of calculus and covering all of algebra.............................................................. hopefully... =.= damn algebra... so hard to understand...

oh yes... and i bought a pack of crunchies today... and i finished all 12 on my own =.=

so jealous much, jealoussica?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Madame Flavour

today i managed to get some studying done... so far i have almost finish learning all the theory for the calculus part of maths =]... all except for chapter 4 because there was so much to read and it was pretty boring.. so i'll be reading that after i post this...

in the middle of study i saw this box on my table that jessica gave me..
` thanks jessica

i read the box... and it sounded interesting... then i spotted a website on the box so i decided to visit it ^-^...
` Madame Flavour [visit it.. it's a very cool website]
after visiting the website i couldn't hold myself back from trying it..
sooooo i decided to use my clear glass teacup which i haven't used till this very day since i've been waiting to get my clear glass teapot before using it... but hey i thought that this kind of tea would go nicely in a clear teacup rather than an ordinary cup ^-^

doesn't the teacup look pretty? it makes the colour of the tea stand out and look so clear ^-^.... and i must say the aroma was so nice and gentle... and the feel of the tea going down your throat was so soothing... it just flows down nicely leaving a subtle taste of rose... i felt so much calmer and happier after drinking this white with rose tea... unlike other teabags... the infuser pod that is madame flavour is unique and interesting =]

anyway... tomorow i plan on buying more of this tea after uni... but i think i'll try the green jasmine pear flavour this time ^-^ how exciting!!!

so jealous much, jealoussica?

"Small Veins"

LOL oh yes i remember trying to donate blood last time and the woman full fondling around with the needle stabbed in me because i had "small veins" causing her to miss the vein... =.= so no i haven't donated blood since...

anyway mmmmm yummyyyyy KFC!!!!!
` 3 wicked wings
` pack of mashies
` chicken burger
` potato and gravy
` gaytime krush
mmmmmmm fattening LOL

` thank you jessica for going on that lovely lunch date with me =D

yeah after i went home.. just slept for 2 hours... got up... ate... watched three dads one mum
had a shower... got out... went on msn and watched more three dads one mum which luckily i don't have to download since darrens brother got it on dvd =D
` thanks for letting me borrow

its such a funny and cute drama... love the baby... she's adorable ^-^... and the three dads are so clueless and funny... and you can't help but feel awwed by them as they mature and what not from looking after the baby and you see how much they care for her =]

and so another day passes and still no study =.=

goal for tomorow;
` start cramming for maths

so not jealous much, jealoussica?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Tummy

yehp yehp... so today i woke up at 12 to get ready for vee's... only my dad wasn't home so i decided to go back to bed... in which i then found out that he had taken my brother to the city and that was why they were absent... so me and jenny decided we would walk to vee's house... =D but vee's nice daddy offered us a lift ^-^.. how nice of him

some items on sale at vee's;
  • item 1: the purple tipped gloves... cool aint they =D

  • item 2: the "i'm too cool for the normal cups" cup =D

  • item 3: the U & ME plates =D

  • item 4: lemon lime bitters and a hot waitress [WARNING! priceless] ;)

  • item 5: the coffee cup which comes with FREE place mat =D

oh and vee was right... her mum's bbq's areeeeee very yummyyyyyyy ^-^

after eating [with continuous snacking on chips and chocolate] we played wii mario party ^-^

i thought this was a cute picture ROFL... its a ball toad riding on a dolphin... [click to enlarge]

when we got tired of playing wii, we watched the beginning of the orphanage... it looks quite interesting =D its french so have to read subtitles... but it actually looks good... so might watch the rest another day ^-^

other than that we had plenty of random chats that resulted in me breaking my back ROFLMAO >.<

in the shower today, i saw the fat ball that is now my stomach... but hey.. the food was delish so i had to keep picking at it LOL
` thanks to vee and her parents for having us over for delicious bbq and a fun time =D

so jealous much, jealoussica?
P.S; jessica, i must say i love you.................r mum LOL absolutely love her... she's so funny and smart