**dreamy** nice song julie just sent me =]
` 4Tune - Miss You
yay now i can concentrate better on maple... no more stress... the piano in it was too soothing ^-^
yeah not gonna blog about today... gotta studyyyyyy >.<... will update tomorow
so jealous much, jealoussica?
go download it if you are... its very nice =D
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
today i woke up bright and early.. around 11.30.... tidied half my room [just the computer side] and then started to study for some maple.... i reached lesson 2 and then my starlit episodes with the pretty 10/10 girl [in my opinion] finish downloading.... so i decided to watch that instead... julie then took me to moon fest to satisfy my pork jerkey crave =P yum yum yum... not that delish though... possibly because it wasn't freshly cooked... but it was nice enough to satisfy my craving...

as we walked back to danny's car to head to macca's we saw this!!!

yeah someone's car got bricked... poor guy man... some people can be so slack...
so we got to macca's and ate our ice cream that we bought from woolies

and there was a random boy that just came from a wedding [presumably drunk]... he was asking his friend "AM I A DUDE OR A CHICK?" ROFL... so we took the liberty to answer him... "chick/disabled"... hahahaha he was hilarious... when he came out he said "i think i can't feel anything... can you slap my face"... i was like "....... o.o serious?" and he was like "yeah do it do it" so since he insisted... WHAMMMM!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO =.= not that hard though... didn't want to leave a hand print on his face... and he left with a "awesomeeeeee i don't feel a thing" LOL... first time slapping someone in the face.. it was quite interesting LOL
so julie's friend joanna suddenly had a bright idea inspired by moonfest and eating... she decided it would be neat to set up her own store in the next event [new years] at warrick!!!.. so julie joanna and annie will be selling food at the next event... BE THERE!!! you get to see these hotties in bikini's ROFLMAO!!! buy from PHATTY FOOD STALL only because not only would the food be worth it.. but you got hot chicks serving you.. what more can you ask for?!?!?!
HOPE YOU'S END UP DOING IT!!! I'LL BE YOUR FIRST CUSTOMER!!! i'll buy the cheapest thing you's got =D
hehe tonight was heaps of fun...
+ off to more starlit =]... shall study maple tomorow
so jealous much, jealoussica?
P.S; nope not jealous because i got my pork jerkey... cool chicken though!!! and good luck studying matlab =D

as we walked back to danny's car to head to macca's we saw this!!!

yeah someone's car got bricked... poor guy man... some people can be so slack...
so we got to macca's and ate our ice cream that we bought from woolies

and there was a random boy that just came from a wedding [presumably drunk]... he was asking his friend "AM I A DUDE OR A CHICK?" ROFL... so we took the liberty to answer him... "chick/disabled"... hahahaha he was hilarious... when he came out he said "i think i can't feel anything... can you slap my face"... i was like "....... o.o serious?" and he was like "yeah do it do it" so since he insisted... WHAMMMM!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO =.= not that hard though... didn't want to leave a hand print on his face... and he left with a "awesomeeeeee i don't feel a thing" LOL... first time slapping someone in the face.. it was quite interesting LOL
so julie's friend joanna suddenly had a bright idea inspired by moonfest and eating... she decided it would be neat to set up her own store in the next event [new years] at warrick!!!.. so julie joanna and annie will be selling food at the next event... BE THERE!!! you get to see these hotties in bikini's ROFLMAO!!! buy from PHATTY FOOD STALL only because not only would the food be worth it.. but you got hot chicks serving you.. what more can you ask for?!?!?!
HOPE YOU'S END UP DOING IT!!! I'LL BE YOUR FIRST CUSTOMER!!! i'll buy the cheapest thing you's got =D
hehe tonight was heaps of fun...
+ off to more starlit =]... shall study maple tomorow
so jealous much, jealoussica?
P.S; nope not jealous because i got my pork jerkey... cool chicken though!!! and good luck studying matlab =D
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Slayed the Sleep Depriving Monster!!!
WHOOOOO had the best sleep last night... LOL slept for 14 hours straight... didn't wake up until 4 in the arvo... =.= i guess thats a huge waste of a day but i needed the sleep **drools** it was heavenly ^-^... and i also weighed myself today... lost 2 o.o i think its because of the lack of sleep which has now been restored... LOL anyway... here are some photos of the random thursday night which i was too lazy to upload yesterday...

WTH at my hands aye ROFLMAO [vee's wonderful discovery]

oh and here's random pictures from our study nights a few days ago ROFLMAO

aint dinner just so cute...

and here is a picture of someone proposing in our lecture on wednesday LOL =D apparently it was a prank for the lecture though...

LOL so there we have it... random pictures at random days =]
sorority boys is on tonight at 11.15 chanel 7!!! i shall watch it.. it sounds funny ^-^
LOL i find it so amazing how into the game my dad gets... so i asked him which team he goes for... he goes for the melbourne team storm...
+ is off to shower
so jealous much, jealoussica? XP

WTH at my hands aye ROFLMAO [vee's wonderful discovery]

oh and here's random pictures from our study nights a few days ago ROFLMAO

aint dinner just so cute...

and here is a picture of someone proposing in our lecture on wednesday LOL =D apparently it was a prank for the lecture though...

LOL so there we have it... random pictures at random days =]
sorority boys is on tonight at 11.15 chanel 7!!! i shall watch it.. it sounds funny ^-^
LOL i find it so amazing how into the game my dad gets... so i asked him which team he goes for... he goes for the melbourne team storm...
+ is off to shower
so jealous much, jealoussica? XP
okay okay okay.... i think i got too excited that i finished my part of my materials assignment the other day that we ended up shopping in the city on thursday up until around 7... it was rather fun and full of laughs =D love hanging with vee because she is so entertaining ^-^
[will upload pictures tomorow... so many funny pictures ^-^... but too tired atm.. cbb]
so we got home around 8.30... i showered and then waited for tien so we could go to daniel duongs to do our cven due the next day... [which was assumed to take only a few hours... 4 hours tops] HOW WRONG WERE WE!!!! fudge... we didn't get home till 4 something...
and for once my parents called to ask where i was around 3.. LOL =D i felt loved for that split second... [tien find's it annoying when his parents ask though =.=]
when i got home i tried to finish it all but my eyes were hurting too much at 6 and fell asleep till 9... HORRIBLEEEEEE... and thats not the worse of it... my editor for the materials group assignment was meant to send me [the spokesperson] the assignment to submit before 11.59 on september the 25th... ONLY HE DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!! I CAN HONESTLY SAY I HATE GROUP WORK!!!!... soooo what happened... instead of me going to sleep which i was hoping to do early tonight... i had to edit and add in missing parts all in 30 minutes... obviously not top quality... but WHATEVER!!!
yes rage rage rage...
+ is off to lay down in andreas room with julie and andrea...
so jealous much, jealoussica?
P.S; apparently the dust storm is going to appear again tomorow =S.
[will upload pictures tomorow... so many funny pictures ^-^... but too tired atm.. cbb]
so we got home around 8.30... i showered and then waited for tien so we could go to daniel duongs to do our cven due the next day... [which was assumed to take only a few hours... 4 hours tops] HOW WRONG WERE WE!!!! fudge... we didn't get home till 4 something...
and for once my parents called to ask where i was around 3.. LOL =D i felt loved for that split second... [tien find's it annoying when his parents ask though =.=]
when i got home i tried to finish it all but my eyes were hurting too much at 6 and fell asleep till 9... HORRIBLEEEEEE... and thats not the worse of it... my editor for the materials group assignment was meant to send me [the spokesperson] the assignment to submit before 11.59 on september the 25th... ONLY HE DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!! I CAN HONESTLY SAY I HATE GROUP WORK!!!!... soooo what happened... instead of me going to sleep which i was hoping to do early tonight... i had to edit and add in missing parts all in 30 minutes... obviously not top quality... but WHATEVER!!!
yes rage rage rage...
+ is off to lay down in andreas room with julie and andrea...
so jealous much, jealoussica?
P.S; apparently the dust storm is going to appear again tomorow =S.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
julie has gotten this song in my head =.=... nice old song =] not sure if this works [uploading a song as a video]... but i'll try anyway LOL
damn the song wouldn't upload as a video =.=
anyway for those curious about which song it was...
` mariah carey; i want to know what love is
damn the song wouldn't upload as a video =.=
anyway for those curious about which song it was...
` mariah carey; i want to know what love is
anyway i have finally finished my assignment which is due on friday with a total of 690 words LOL... my part anyway... hopefully my group members all do their part.. the only problem is that theres one guy [our editor] who we haven't even heard from since our first submission... >.<
anyway... now i can relax and concentrate on other things^-^ YAYYYY!!!
[like my CVEN hand in] ~ ooo getting use to html stuff =D
so jealous much, jealoussica?
i wish you luck... i know your jealous i finish my assignment XP
GOODLUCKK~!!! **muah** <=[ kiss of luck ;) ]
anyway... now i can relax and concentrate on other things^-^ YAYYYY!!!
so jealous much, jealoussica?
i wish you luck... i know your jealous i finish my assignment XP
GOODLUCKK~!!! **muah** <=[ kiss of luck ;) ]
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
LOL yes i bin studying like a good girl... anyway gmat midsems finally finish... now gotta do gay materials group project which is pissing the daylights out of me because my group is so hard to deal with... its due friday and i haven't even heard from them.. i tell them to be online tonight... and what happens? only one goes on... i can feel myself erupting any minute now.
oh yeah... the rta sent a letter saying that theres a new change of laws due to the many road crashes with people under the age of 20... so now there is a demerit point systems for L's now too...
` R.I.P
anywayyy other than that... my dad finallyyyy gave me my own set of house keys today =]... i gotta make sure i don't lose these or they'll probably never give me the house keys again... oh and this intense studying has made me lose a kilo LOL
so jealous much, jessica?
ROFLMAO i just thought of the most lamest thing that i'mma use from now... "so jealous much, jealoussica" AHAHAHAHHAHAHA
oh yeah... the rta sent a letter saying that theres a new change of laws due to the many road crashes with people under the age of 20... so now there is a demerit point systems for L's now too...
` R.I.P
anywayyy other than that... my dad finallyyyy gave me my own set of house keys today =]... i gotta make sure i don't lose these or they'll probably never give me the house keys again... oh and this intense studying has made me lose a kilo LOL
so jealous much, jessica?
ROFLMAO i just thought of the most lamest thing that i'mma use from now... "so jealous much, jealoussica" AHAHAHAHHAHAHA
Saturday, September 19, 2009
LOL i was browsing.... and to this... all i can say is ................................................. o.O
` http://dolly.ninemsn.com.au/girltalk/realityreads/818965/i-was-in-a-vampire-cult
its quite interesting actually... in an odd wth kind of way
anyway i will be stealing that sight that jessica mentioned for when i do research on taiwan or china or hong kong trip after my midsem test =D
+ very short but yes... shall go study/sleep
so jealous much, jessica?
` http://dolly.ninemsn.com.au/girltalk/realityreads/818965/i-was-in-a-vampire-cult
its quite interesting actually... in an odd wth kind of way
anyway i will be stealing that sight that jessica mentioned for when i do research on taiwan or china or hong kong trip after my midsem test =D
+ very short but yes... shall go study/sleep
so jealous much, jessica?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
=O TAIWAN?!?!?
OMG GUESS WHATTT!!!!! my mum says we might go overseas in the holidays... because she was just talking about someone going overseas in the coming up holidays... and so i asked her if we were and she said... why... where do you want to go... so i said... taiwan of course... so she said that if i can find the airplane tickets and accomodation then we'll go...
i hope it's not like last year when she said that we would be going but didn't end up going... i really want to go... so when i got home today i ended up spending my night looking up airline tickets instead of studying =.=... basically if i can plan our trip then we will go.. provided we have enough money.... i shall ask my mummy tomorow what the limit is for plane and accomodation...
i shall start saving more now... going to try and save 50 bux a week so by december i'll have...... only $650 =.= hmmmm i don't think that would be enough... well lucky my parents will pay for the airplane ticket [~1900]... i think =S... and accomodation i hope >.<...
well i do have 400 aus dollars worth of japanese money... i suppose i can exchange those too =]... then that will be 1050... if we stay for 2 weeks... i can spend 75 a day... =.= that is so not enough for taiwannnnnn =(.... ah well we'll see what happens... i really want to go to the mountain of food that jessica fung was telling me about...
please please let us go taiwann... the yummy food is calling for me...
OHHHH and i got free cold rock ice cream todayyyyyyyy ^-^
` thank you to derick
so jealous much, jessica?
i hope it's not like last year when she said that we would be going but didn't end up going... i really want to go... so when i got home today i ended up spending my night looking up airline tickets instead of studying =.=... basically if i can plan our trip then we will go.. provided we have enough money.... i shall ask my mummy tomorow what the limit is for plane and accomodation...
i shall start saving more now... going to try and save 50 bux a week so by december i'll have...... only $650 =.= hmmmm i don't think that would be enough... well lucky my parents will pay for the airplane ticket [~1900]... i think =S... and accomodation i hope >.<...
well i do have 400 aus dollars worth of japanese money... i suppose i can exchange those too =]... then that will be 1050... if we stay for 2 weeks... i can spend 75 a day... =.= that is so not enough for taiwannnnnn =(.... ah well we'll see what happens... i really want to go to the mountain of food that jessica fung was telling me about...
please please let us go taiwann... the yummy food is calling for me...
OHHHH and i got free cold rock ice cream todayyyyyyyy ^-^
` thank you to derick
so jealous much, jessica?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Hang Over
before i go to sleep i shall quickly blog...
tonight andrea and julie came home with ice cream for me... and then we watched the hang over.. LOL it was pretty good.. not as good as i expected.. maybe because people were talking it up a lot... also expected the baby to play a bigger role in it seeing as how it wassssss in the main poster pictures and stuff... but yeah had a few laughs... i think i liked the ugly truth more though.... still it was nice.. haven't had a watching movies night in a while... and hang over was enjoyable... wish they didn't portray asians as losers though ROFL... still funny none the less...
anyway need some sleep to wake up early enough to go to maccas for breakfast =D... =.= man i need to catch up on sleep seriously =.=
so jealous much, jessica?
tonight andrea and julie came home with ice cream for me... and then we watched the hang over.. LOL it was pretty good.. not as good as i expected.. maybe because people were talking it up a lot... also expected the baby to play a bigger role in it seeing as how it wassssss in the main poster pictures and stuff... but yeah had a few laughs... i think i liked the ugly truth more though.... still it was nice.. haven't had a watching movies night in a while... and hang over was enjoyable... wish they didn't portray asians as losers though ROFL... still funny none the less...
anyway need some sleep to wake up early enough to go to maccas for breakfast =D... =.= man i need to catch up on sleep seriously =.=
so jealous much, jessica?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
nothing really for jessica to be jealous about today... all i did was study for my test and do it... =.= on which i thinkkkk i managed to pass =D
as for the relationship/travel... i would be like wth if my partner expected me to pay for their trip... unless i was rich enough then i wouldn't mind... and as for whether i'd choose travel over my partner would depend on where it is and for how long... i'm sure he'd be able to spend some time without me and still love me when i come back... if not then stuff him... he's not worth it!!! obviously his feeling wouldn't have been strong enough and i say good riddence LOL!!!
ANYWAYYYYY I'M UNCAPPEDDDDDDDDDDD... the glory of not having slow internet again... i'm so happy that i'm not even bothered to go sleep yet... even though gotta wake up at 7 =.=
oh well =] can't wait to start watching dramas again... miss them... but then got test on monday, hand in tute and mid sem on tuesday =.=...
well i hope your capped jessica... if so
jealous much, jessica?
otherwise my day was jealousless
P.S; no i wasn't jealous of your good buys and dinner because i had too good of a night on saturday... and much fun creating embarrassment for you in the morning XP
as for the relationship/travel... i would be like wth if my partner expected me to pay for their trip... unless i was rich enough then i wouldn't mind... and as for whether i'd choose travel over my partner would depend on where it is and for how long... i'm sure he'd be able to spend some time without me and still love me when i come back... if not then stuff him... he's not worth it!!! obviously his feeling wouldn't have been strong enough and i say good riddence LOL!!!
ANYWAYYYYY I'M UNCAPPEDDDDDDDDDDD... the glory of not having slow internet again... i'm so happy that i'm not even bothered to go sleep yet... even though gotta wake up at 7 =.=
oh well =] can't wait to start watching dramas again... miss them... but then got test on monday, hand in tute and mid sem on tuesday =.=...
` seals sleep underwater and surface for air without waking
` tuna suffocate if they stop swimming
~ from libra oddspots =D though it was interesting
well i hope your capped jessica... if so
jealous much, jessica?
otherwise my day was jealousless
P.S; no i wasn't jealous of your good buys and dinner because i had too good of a night on saturday... and much fun creating embarrassment for you in the morning XP
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Update; re-post of yesterday
OKAYYYY i'm on an hour break from studying because my eyes hurt from reading the jibberish which is else known as materials... so yes i decided to update on my blog from yesterdays... because i know jessica is busting to know what she's jealous about...
okay =D... so yesterday was saturday and we went ghost hunting from friday midnight till around 2.30 if i remember correctly... yes.. i'm chicken shit and did not expect that they were gonna go down... the first stop i stood in the light while they went into the woods because i hate the dark... which they then decided to drive off without me leaving me with some strangers that were smoking =.=... i went down for half of the second stop.. other than that no... the third stop was way too dark and it was the one where theres a ghost dog field which leads to james busby school... and there was no way i was going into that pitch black dark place.. so the rest didn't go either >.<... yes i "party-pooped".... after that... went to magic kingdom again and this time i actually kept my eyes open the whole time because vanessa was right next to me so i didn't feel too scared... then head back home as i was busting to pee LOL.... and i had to go sleep so i could wake up at 7 for rcg =.=...
anyway~~!! we had our rcg course in the morning.... me julie and julie's friend tam were already at lidcombe and jessica still hadn't called me yet... so being creditless julie came with the bright idea to use payphone to sms... so i did... only the message that was meant to read "jessica call cynthia now"... read "JES7Q4call cynthia now"... we could not figure out which was the delete key LOL =S anyway... for this week's course we all didn't get split up **evil laugh**... the day before... jessica was gambling at hieus... and so when our teacher asked "do any of you in this room have a gambling problem?"... i took the liberty to point at jessica ROFLMAO AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA ^-^... i know you love me for it jessica... you got to be picked on by our "hot" teacher.... so in front of our whole class he starts to ask jessica "so what is it that draws you into gambling?" EHEHEHEHEH MANNN IT WAS SOOOO ENTERTAINING XP...
some interesting things i learnt...
` some people have a lucky charm that they would stroke everytime before they push the button for pokies hoping they could rely on luck to win
` some people get so agro when they lose... there was one guy that tried strangling his partner with a tie
` julies smiley faces look like a tongue/petal
on our break i bought a mango green tea from 85 degrees celcius bakery because they had a very very delish jasmine green tea... and i wanted to try to see if any of their other things are nice... which i usually don't do because i like to stick with what i know i like but for some reason that split second i wanted to try something different... anddd.... it was the wrong choice... it did not taste half as good as the jasmine green tea... i shall stick with what i like...
anyway after the rcg course... bought half of my clear glass tea set.... i bought the tea cups... but i didn't like the style of the teapot they had.. so i'm gonna wait until a new style that i like comes in and then buy the teapot ^-^...
we then head back home... i didn't have credit to prank my dad so i went back to julies house so she could drive me back later.... welay in her room and played... i versed her little nephew in cod... first time i actually tried to play it and omg i suck.. LOL =.= the little kid beat me so many times... i only manage to shoot him like 4 times or so... so yeah we basically lazed about until her brother needed her to drive him to work... then we went back to my house and had a shower and waited until aaron came to go back into the city for dinner and mucking around... at least aaron drove so we didn't have to ride the horrible bus and train for the second time of the day... his aunt works in surry hills so we got free parking... we had korean bbq...
and then julie wanted to go on a monorail for the first time in her life.. only the monorail system closes at 10... we got there at 9.50ish and the man closed his shutters in our face LOL... so then we went to ride the "monorails" on the roads... only we went on the wrong side... but because of that we got to ride on the "monorail" for longer and went past the "wicked" show area where there were performers just outside gloria jeans... there was a flexible girl that made positions that looked very very uncomfortable... and fire throwing juggler and others...
the line for the show was ginormouss!!!! there were sooo many people i was like WHOOOOAAAAA it went all the way to the other side... anyway... we got off at darling harbour and went to eat some ice cream... shared a 3 scoop with a choclate coated waffle basket with julie..

we ate just on the steps next to the water and found the eiffel tower!!!!!

=] we then went to play with the water steps and stuff where julie was scared she'd fall in that she stopped in the middle of the maze XP LOL
after that we wondered around aimlessly and i remembered a pretty water fountain so we walked there too... which then lead us back to george street where there were many police cars every few seconds and there was a double decker bus with who i assume were people promoting wicked... we then stocked up on lollies at a convenience store and slowly made our way back to the car... which was in surry hills and the path we took to get back was quite creepy... there were many drunks out already and it was only around midnight... but thats not the creepy part.. the creepy part was the amount of red lights we passed... and by red lights i don't mean traffic lights.... i mean prostitution..... there were windows that were painted so that you can't see through... and we saw a couple of girls that came out of the houses... quite sad really...
julie just asked me a veryyyy interesting question....
` what's worse... being a pornstar that is filmed doing it with many guys... or being someone from the whore houses who have sex unfilmed?
at first i thought unfilmed of course.. but then i started thinking... i guess if your a porn star then you know the people your doing it aren't diseased.. where as in a whore house... your doing it with strangers that could be diseased or murder you..... so tough question
anyway... when we got back.. julie brought panda over to play because she was waiting for her brother to finish work around 2.30.... panda knows how to roll now except she only listens to julies dad... and sometimes julie... not me yet... =(... oh well one day... at least she can sit.. lay down.. and shake hands when i tell her to =D... and then we played fetch which panda almost bit our hands off numerous times.. LOL the little girl is so competitive and cute...
anyway.. my hour is up and its back to studying... that was my whole saturday!
So jealous much, jessica? XP
P.S; you left your rcg license with me...
okay =D... so yesterday was saturday and we went ghost hunting from friday midnight till around 2.30 if i remember correctly... yes.. i'm chicken shit and did not expect that they were gonna go down... the first stop i stood in the light while they went into the woods because i hate the dark... which they then decided to drive off without me leaving me with some strangers that were smoking =.=... i went down for half of the second stop.. other than that no... the third stop was way too dark and it was the one where theres a ghost dog field which leads to james busby school... and there was no way i was going into that pitch black dark place.. so the rest didn't go either >.<... yes i "party-pooped".... after that... went to magic kingdom again and this time i actually kept my eyes open the whole time because vanessa was right next to me so i didn't feel too scared... then head back home as i was busting to pee LOL.... and i had to go sleep so i could wake up at 7 for rcg =.=...
anyway~~!! we had our rcg course in the morning.... me julie and julie's friend tam were already at lidcombe and jessica still hadn't called me yet... so being creditless julie came with the bright idea to use payphone to sms... so i did... only the message that was meant to read "jessica call cynthia now"... read "JES7Q4call cynthia now"... we could not figure out which was the delete key LOL =S anyway... for this week's course we all didn't get split up **evil laugh**... the day before... jessica was gambling at hieus... and so when our teacher asked "do any of you in this room have a gambling problem?"... i took the liberty to point at jessica ROFLMAO AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA ^-^... i know you love me for it jessica... you got to be picked on by our "hot" teacher.... so in front of our whole class he starts to ask jessica "so what is it that draws you into gambling?" EHEHEHEHEH MANNN IT WAS SOOOO ENTERTAINING XP...
some interesting things i learnt...
` some people have a lucky charm that they would stroke everytime before they push the button for pokies hoping they could rely on luck to win
` some people get so agro when they lose... there was one guy that tried strangling his partner with a tie
` julies smiley faces look like a tongue/petal
on our break i bought a mango green tea from 85 degrees celcius bakery because they had a very very delish jasmine green tea... and i wanted to try to see if any of their other things are nice... which i usually don't do because i like to stick with what i know i like but for some reason that split second i wanted to try something different... anddd.... it was the wrong choice... it did not taste half as good as the jasmine green tea... i shall stick with what i like...
anyway after the rcg course... bought half of my clear glass tea set.... i bought the tea cups... but i didn't like the style of the teapot they had.. so i'm gonna wait until a new style that i like comes in and then buy the teapot ^-^...
we then head back home... i didn't have credit to prank my dad so i went back to julies house so she could drive me back later.... welay in her room and played... i versed her little nephew in cod... first time i actually tried to play it and omg i suck.. LOL =.= the little kid beat me so many times... i only manage to shoot him like 4 times or so... so yeah we basically lazed about until her brother needed her to drive him to work... then we went back to my house and had a shower and waited until aaron came to go back into the city for dinner and mucking around... at least aaron drove so we didn't have to ride the horrible bus and train for the second time of the day... his aunt works in surry hills so we got free parking... we had korean bbq...
and then julie wanted to go on a monorail for the first time in her life.. only the monorail system closes at 10... we got there at 9.50ish and the man closed his shutters in our face LOL... so then we went to ride the "monorails" on the roads... only we went on the wrong side... but because of that we got to ride on the "monorail" for longer and went past the "wicked" show area where there were performers just outside gloria jeans... there was a flexible girl that made positions that looked very very uncomfortable... and fire throwing juggler and others...
the line for the show was ginormouss!!!! there were sooo many people i was like WHOOOOAAAAA it went all the way to the other side... anyway... we got off at darling harbour and went to eat some ice cream... shared a 3 scoop with a choclate coated waffle basket with julie..

we ate just on the steps next to the water and found the eiffel tower!!!!!

=] we then went to play with the water steps and stuff where julie was scared she'd fall in that she stopped in the middle of the maze XP LOL
after that we wondered around aimlessly and i remembered a pretty water fountain so we walked there too... which then lead us back to george street where there were many police cars every few seconds and there was a double decker bus with who i assume were people promoting wicked... we then stocked up on lollies at a convenience store and slowly made our way back to the car... which was in surry hills and the path we took to get back was quite creepy... there were many drunks out already and it was only around midnight... but thats not the creepy part.. the creepy part was the amount of red lights we passed... and by red lights i don't mean traffic lights.... i mean prostitution..... there were windows that were painted so that you can't see through... and we saw a couple of girls that came out of the houses... quite sad really...
julie just asked me a veryyyy interesting question....
` what's worse... being a pornstar that is filmed doing it with many guys... or being someone from the whore houses who have sex unfilmed?
at first i thought unfilmed of course.. but then i started thinking... i guess if your a porn star then you know the people your doing it aren't diseased.. where as in a whore house... your doing it with strangers that could be diseased or murder you..... so tough question
anyway... when we got back.. julie brought panda over to play because she was waiting for her brother to finish work around 2.30.... panda knows how to roll now except she only listens to julies dad... and sometimes julie... not me yet... =(... oh well one day... at least she can sit.. lay down.. and shake hands when i tell her to =D... and then we played fetch which panda almost bit our hands off numerous times.. LOL the little girl is so competitive and cute...
anyway.. my hour is up and its back to studying... that was my whole saturday!
So jealous much, jessica? XP
P.S; you left your rcg license with me...
Map of Tired
too tired... not enough sleep last night because didn't fall asleep till around 4... and had to get up at 7.10...
just got home around 1 and a half hours ago and everyone has just left... had a lot of fun tonight... korean bbq... then "monorail" then sitting at harbourside eating ice cream and wandering around aimlessly till midnight... saw lots of interesting stuff... [more details after monday]
is going to sleep now to get cramming for midsem test on monday... yes joy joy joy of having to study =.=
so jealous much, jessica?
P.S; no jessica i'm not jealous you got embarrassed at rcg today... [for more details keep updated on monday]
just got home around 1 and a half hours ago and everyone has just left... had a lot of fun tonight... korean bbq... then "monorail" then sitting at harbourside eating ice cream and wandering around aimlessly till midnight... saw lots of interesting stuff... [more details after monday]
is going to sleep now to get cramming for midsem test on monday... yes joy joy joy of having to study =.=
so jealous much, jessica?
P.S; no jessica i'm not jealous you got embarrassed at rcg today... [for more details keep updated on monday]
Friday, September 11, 2009
No Ching Ching!
today at hieus i lost 7 bux at the poker machines ROFL... in which jessica fung gave me 2... =.= i think it has been concluded that i am not a gambler... you always hear about the people that go broke because they're gamble addicts... like that stranger that has come to my house like 10 times now asking the same question... "is your dad home? can he lend me some money?" and i'd get so freaked out when my dad's not home but when he is home.. he always says the same thing "i don't have money to lend you... i don't work"... only the stranger comes again after a few days regardless =.=... oh well... asside from losing 7 bux it was good catching up with old faces indeed... especially the lesbians ;) ROFL... yes you's know who you's areeee...
well i've got my rsa licence... now after i get my rcg and rfh licences i am hoping to get a job somewhere... maybe at like an rsl club or just a liquor store... indeed bars sound too dangerous... especially after watching the crazy videos they had at the rsa course... so yeah i think i'll steer clear of bars... don't want my face bottled =.=...
my money is going downhill... had 1200 cash in hand and now its gone down to 500... no idea how... and after tomorow it'll be down to 300...................................... =.=
thank god theres kevin rudd with his 1000 dollar givings.
so jealous much, jessica? [over nothing]
P.S; no not jealous... i get 1000 too
well i've got my rsa licence... now after i get my rcg and rfh licences i am hoping to get a job somewhere... maybe at like an rsl club or just a liquor store... indeed bars sound too dangerous... especially after watching the crazy videos they had at the rsa course... so yeah i think i'll steer clear of bars... don't want my face bottled =.=...
my money is going downhill... had 1200 cash in hand and now its gone down to 500... no idea how... and after tomorow it'll be down to 300...................................... =.=
thank god theres kevin rudd with his 1000 dollar givings.
so jealous much, jessica? [over nothing]
P.S; no not jealous... i get 1000 too
Show me the jibberish!
i hate studying for jibberish!!!!
lol yes my family never eats at the table.. its more convenient that way.. we all want to do our own thing and by not eating together we can all do our own stuff and be happy LOL.. but yes i remember telling jessica once that i'll make my future family have a eating at the table day once a week... so i shall do that just for youu... you are free to join if you wish jessica ;)
so how much money do i need for my summer holidays?
` less than 1000 =D
i won't be needing to worry about winning the lottery
so jealous much, jessica?
P.S; no i'm not jealous you need to save plenty of money and hopefully win lotto XP
lol yes my family never eats at the table.. its more convenient that way.. we all want to do our own thing and by not eating together we can all do our own stuff and be happy LOL.. but yes i remember telling jessica once that i'll make my future family have a eating at the table day once a week... so i shall do that just for youu... you are free to join if you wish jessica ;)
so how much money do i need for my summer holidays?
` less than 1000 =D
i won't be needing to worry about winning the lottery
so jealous much, jessica?
P.S; no i'm not jealous you need to save plenty of money and hopefully win lotto XP
Thursday, September 10, 2009
No Itinerary
i had a pleasant night/day teaching julie maths today/night still going =]... "differentiation is so fun" says julie =D
mmmm had yummy yummy ice cream tonight... and i took a picture of "peppermint" mooncake... see jessica if you keep your facebook account you can totally see it... what a shame your deleting it LOL... and then you can also see julie making kebabs in the kebab stand in my area last night/this morning ROFLMAO AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA..... this is what happened... we were going to buy kebabs.. and it was pretty empty because it was lie 1ish... and then julie says jokingly "can i make my own kebab" and the man goes "sure! come in" LOL it was hilarious... so she was in the kebab stand last night making our kebab LOL... and i took pictures which i shall upload when i'm uncapped [14th] =D
mmmm had yummy yummy ice cream tonight... and i took a picture of "peppermint" mooncake... see jessica if you keep your facebook account you can totally see it... what a shame your deleting it LOL... and then you can also see julie making kebabs in the kebab stand in my area last night/this morning ROFLMAO AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA..... this is what happened... we were going to buy kebabs.. and it was pretty empty because it was lie 1ish... and then julie says jokingly "can i make my own kebab" and the man goes "sure! come in" LOL it was hilarious... so she was in the kebab stand last night making our kebab LOL... and i took pictures which i shall upload when i'm uncapped [14th] =D
Day 1
Day 2pee...
Day 3
Day 4shit...
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
drive in circles...
Day 11
drive manual...
Day 12
egg jessica's house...
Day 13
deflate jessica's car tires...
Day 14
stare at the opera house...
Day 15
Day 16
youtube/filetube ;)...
Day 17
hang with julie...
so jealous much, jessica?
+ off to help julie some more =D
P.S; nope i'm still not jealous because you still got 2 months to go XP
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
No deposit paid. Europe trip not on the go go.
no europe at the end of the year... but there will be beach house and maybe queensland and hopefully my family will end up going to taiwan... going on a eating spree... on the mountain of food storesss!!!
anyway i'm teaching julie her maths because she got a midsem test on thursday =]...
AND I JUST GREW A WISDOM TOOTH!!! well i can feel it... it doesn't hurt though... =D
julie says i need to get it x-rayed to see if i need to remove it LOL
so jealous much, jessica?
i know you want a painless wisdom tooth too XP... and you wish you had julies company...
+ off to help julie some more =]...
P.S; no jessica i'm not jealous yet because you haven't left yet qqq...
anyway i'm teaching julie her maths because she got a midsem test on thursday =]...
AND I JUST GREW A WISDOM TOOTH!!! well i can feel it... it doesn't hurt though... =D
julie says i need to get it x-rayed to see if i need to remove it LOL
so jealous much, jessica?
i know you want a painless wisdom tooth too XP... and you wish you had julies company...
+ off to help julie some more =]...
P.S; no jessica i'm not jealous yet because you haven't left yet qqq...
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